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Manhattan Club Lawsuit

hi beth, your comments make sense. "I'm sure I'll be attacked by others on this site, but I feel good knowing I'm fighting a good cause for you and for me." (your quote.) there will always be some on this redweek forum who will criticize anyone else's ideas, and rarely contribute anything constructive. keep offering your ideas and suggestions for the benefit of all of us defrauded and misled TMC owners. responsible free speech is our inalienable right. i speak from unfortunate experiences on keep writing your constructive suggestions. chris [Q=bethc222] Why pay the exorbitant maintenance fees when you can rent the same unit or better place at the Manhattan Club for much less on line? You don't get anything special for paying those fees. If you join the Zimmerman lawsuit (which is much less than half the cost of the annual TMC maintenance fees), you stand a good chance of not only helping yourself, but all the other owners who' have been scammed. The more potential, collective individual lawsuits against TMC, the less attractive TMC is to the new buyer. I too, like many of you, have been sent TMC "feelers emails" to see how many disgruntled buyers would sell their units for $100, then those offers strangely disappeared. That was really very creepy and surely a ploy by the owners and their lawyers. Sure, getting the list of all the buyers would be beneficial for the Zimmerman lawsuit, but I believe that investing in this lawsuit is definitely your best, if only, chance to achieve any significant result. Every other suggestion on this website is just spinning wheels. If you can afford to pay overpriced fees to TMC, you can afford taking a small, but significant risk in joining those of us willing to take on Eichner, his cronies and these new owners by joining the Zimmerman lawsuit. I'm sure I'll be attacked by others on this site, but I feel good knowing I'm fighting a good cause for you and for me.[/Q]