Gold Crown status

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Re: Gold Crown status (by Janet S.):

Eastern state coastal towns are very difficult to trade into --- all exchange companies place a 'value' on each condo. If your condo is located in a 'saturated' destination you will not be able to trade into area that have just a few resorts, especially during prime season, such as MD, DE, NJ or Miami (Williamsburg isn't necessarily saturated but there are quite a few resorts to choose from). When considering buying a resale, think of it this way: Would someone trade their July beach week in MD for my mid-June week in Williamsburg? Probably not because everyone wants to go to the beach!

We own a LOT of Greensprings & Powhatan condos that we rent out; however, the Greensprings are ALWAYS reserved first --- thus the high demand. I've even had people recently specifically say that they do not want to stay at 2 of the 3 Williamsburg Fairfield Resorts because of the rowdy cliental at those resorts (I'm also a Fairfield owner).

There are also certain condos that I know can trade for certain resort areas --- my NY Catskills unts I trade for summer in Cape Cod and other East Coast areas; my Smugglers Notch, VT ski week for any prime ski week out there; My summer, coastal NC unit for coastal unit in MD, VA, NC & SC. RCI is changing their trade scales & now are basically sending the message that 'what' you trade in will be what you receive. So if you want to be able to trade into high season, beach destinations you'll typically need own a high season, beach destination condo but there are also SOME high demand, Gold Crown condos that will get you there too. Be VERY careful of sales pitches ... everyone has one but you are the one paying the bill. I speak from experience because I'm a broker and I've heard a LOT of horror stories.