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Original Message:

Re: What is the industry doing about the secondary timeshare market? (by Den):

Lorrainew62 - Please list your weeks on Redweek at prices you would accept knowing that the resale will lessen uses for the week (reward points and destination points). I have purchased 3 great Marriott weeks using Redweek postings and, while it may distress you, have paid about 25% of the original Marriott sales price. Marriott will not pay you more than about 25% as their resale costs are very high - marketing & sales costs are 46% of their sales dollar and cost of sales are 33.7% (source - 2013 third quarter SEC Form 10Q).

I too have weeks purchased from Marriott and realize that once acquired, these weeks suffered an immediate 75% drop in market value. This will never be disclosed to buyers as it would be very detrimental to the prospect of any timeshare sale.

On the other hand, the great thing about purchases of resale weeks is that one can recover nearly all of the discounted purchase price upon resale.