Timeshare Companies

Class Action Against Diamond Resorts?

Mar 07, 2017

I have a huge problem with Diamond Resorts. I have been lied to, coerced in to buying more and more points, taken advantage of more than once. These people have a disgusting way of doing business and suck the money out of older people. My original purchase was in Sedona Arizona with ILX, there were no problems. Diamond took over and coerced me and lied to me for hours in Las Vegas and again in Cabo for huge amounts of money. . Is the Class Action Against Diamond Resorts still active?

marks1499 wrote:
If you believe that you have been the victim of deceptive sales practices by Diamond sales agents, it is important that you alert the Arizona Attorney and Arizona Department of Real Estate. They are both tasked with stopping these practices when brought to their attention. A letter needs be drafted outlining deceptive statements made by sales agents during the sales process, including statements made regarding your existing ownerships. Names, dates, and locations should be provided if possible. Recent complaints have been filed alleging deceptive sales tactics at Diamond properties with both agencies. Links below will direct you to where they should be sent. Clarion Johnson is an investigative reporter involved with consumer protection who is gathering information regarding Diamond’s practices. Link below provides his email address allowing a copy of your letter to forwarded, which will contribute to his efforts as well. consumerinfo@azag.gov state that your letter should be added to file case confirmation #UG236-Z3WSO http://services.azre.gov/publicdatabase/messagecenter/createmessage.aspx?subjectid=1 From the Department of Real Estate website: The Real Estate Investigators conduct investigations in response to consumer complaints concerning a licensee’s performance of real estate activities and the professional conduct of licensees. Dishonest dealing and disclosure issues are two specific areas listed on their site. cjohnson@thecapitolforum.com /investigative reporter Listed below a excerpts from a Federal Trade Commission policy statement on deceptive sales practices. FTC Policy Statement on Deception | Federal Trade Commission http://www.ftc.gov/public-statements/1983/10/ftc-policy-statement-deception [9/29/2014 10:47:54 AM]

First, there must be a representation, omission or practice that is likely to mislead the consumer. Practices that have been found misleading or deceptive in specific cases include false oral or written representations, misleading price claims,

Most deception involves written or oral misrepresentations, or omissions of material information. Deception may also occur in other forms of conduct associated with a sales transaction. The entire advertisement, transaction or course of dealing will be considered.

The issue is whether the act or practice is likely to mislead, rather than whether it causes actual deception The Commission believes that to be deceptive the representation, omission or practice must be likely to mislead reasonable consumers under the circumstances.

Ilona F.
Mar 08, 2017

irenep59 wrote:
Working together, some have been instrumental in achieving the $800000 AZ AG settlement, by encouraging people to file complaints with the AZ AG, the CFPB, other appropriate Attorneys General and a billion dollar lawsuit filed by the 40 year old Nevada firm Albright Stoddard Warnick and Albright. The owners I work with bring a tsunami of talent, dedication, knowledge and experience gained over professional careers.

I have never chosen to own within DRI (Diamond) myself, but I still applaud, respect and greatly admire your efforts; I sincerely wish you luck and success in "taking DRI on".

DRI (Diamond) is certainly among the most despicable and predatory operations in the entire timeshare industry (in my personal opinion) and anything that can possibly be done to deliver their much deserved and overdue come uppance and make them pay through the nose for their abhorrent practices is surely a worthwhile effort. Go get 'em! Good luck!


Last edited by ken1193 on Mar 08, 2017 11:10 AM

Mar 08, 2017

Join the https://www.facebook.com/groups/DiamondResortsOwnersAdvocacy/

We seek to provide Diamond Resort members a way to proactively address membership concerns; to advocate for timeshare reform; to obtain greater disclosure from the company; to advocate for a viable secondary market; and to educate prospective buyers.

Julia M.

Last edited by juliam181 on Mar 08, 2017 06:03 AM

Mar 25, 2017

I would also like to join this Facebook group, and will mention that I am from Red Week. We recently experienced very abusive behavior at one of the Vegas Resorts. We are part of the California Collection at DRI, where we signed up in AZ (and live in AZ), and when at the Vegas Resort, they admitted that the company initially made a mistake in representing what they were selling us, and said that our investment would be worthless in 2 years. We refused to invest further, and the rep got very angry and asked what our alternative plan was. I said we might contact the AZ AG, and he said that he would now have to report us to DRI so our account would be flagged in their legal department.

Crystal H.
Mar 25, 2017

Join the Face Book https://www.facebook.com/groups/DiamondResortsOwnersAdvocacy/

Julia M.
Mar 26, 2017

I just thought that I would add that I am increasingly seeing this tactic used AS A MARKETING PLOY by some resort groups. I've experienced the same thing, but it is usually done only at the end of the presentation. It is lies, and just a ploy to trick you into buying to upgrade your product...but in most cases, you will actually be downgrading your product, not upgrading it. Glad you didn't fall for it. I have only begin seeing this in the last few months, but interesting that it is now making the rounds between timeshare groups as a marketing tactic. Your timeshare is already worthless, sorry to say, because underlying Diamond Resorts is a worthless product with lots of glossy marketing, but no resale market. They actively restrict the resale market, and try every book under the sun to try and convince you to buy more of thier worthless product. This is just the calibre of people you are dealing with. They are low-lifes.

Justin S.
Mar 26, 2017

Crystal and others: Thank you to those who have joined Diamond Owner Advocacy Facebook. It has been working well. Currently about 30 cases are active or have been resolved after submitting testimony to DRI Consumer Advocacy department. Some are referred directly, but I have helped write requests, employing skills I learned writing court reports for Family Court. We intervene when the situation is complex, age is a factor (young or old) or English is second language. We have also had closed cases reopened. There have been five positive outcomes (code words) without needing legal assistance. Several attorneys have helped review cases free of charge. It's not been easy, but I have to say I have been shocked at DRI Consumer Advocate response. Results have exceeded my expectations. They actually listen.

Crystal from previous post if it's not the Crystal I already know: PLEASE get the name of the rep and ID number who said your account would be flagged in legal as that is a blatant violation of the AZ "Assurance of Discontinuance" and the DRI Clarity program. The most complaints are coming from Polo Tower, Cancun, and Ka'anapoli. As a former DRI sales agent told me, the ploy below is straight out of the CIA manual on interrogation and human manipulation. Confuse the subject. Always ask for the sales agent ID number when outlandish claims are made. I can at times now guess the name of the sales agent based on the complaint.

From Crystal: We recently experienced very abusive behavior at one of the Vegas Resorts. We are part of the California Collection at DRI, where we signed up in AZ (and live in AZ), and when at the Vegas Resort, they admitted that the company initially made a mistake in representing what they were selling us, and said that our investment would be worthless in 2 years. We refused to invest further, and the rep got very angry and asked what our alternative plan was. I said we might contact the AZ AG, and he said that he would now have to report us to DRI so our account would be flagged in their legal department.

Irene P.
Mar 26, 2017

This occurred at Cancun, and the rep was Frank Agresti. I do not have the rep #, but can try to find it.

Thank you! Crystal

Crystal H.
Mar 27, 2017

Crystal, I removed your name but forwarded to DRI Consumer Advocacy and DRI PR Representative (does not work for DRI, a PR firm) as she is helping to launch Clarity. I also forwarded to Ryan Anderson at the Arizona Attorney General's office because the comment about the AZ AG is so alarming. Even if an owner has signed a non-disclosure, they are allowed to talk to the AZ AG. Too many people are being harmed coming out of Cancun and Polo Tower. In addition to posting on RedWeek, I hope you join our DRI member sponsored Advocacy page as we follow through with a case start to finish one on one advocacy. https://www.facebook.com/groups/DiamondResortsOwnersAdvocacy/ DRI Consumer Advocacy and Maya, Copy Ryan Anderson

This posted on RedWeek is why I believe the people who contact me. Twice we were told in sales presentations we should have not been sold what we were sold before.The post below is why there are so many complaints out of Polo Towers and Cancun but the reference to the Arizona Attorney General's office is alarming. This happened at DRI Cancun Resort in Vegas. I had guessed the resort correctly, but this Cancun sales agents is Frank Agresti.

Clarity is just in Arizona for now so this probably does not apply but I wanted to forward. Please forward to Frank Agresti if you choose, although he would be protected under the oral representation clause.

Can someone from DRI let me know if this situation would result in an account being flagged in legal?

RedWeek Post: I would also like to join this Facebook group, and will mention that I am from Red Week. We recently experienced very abusive behavior at one of the Vegas Resorts. We are part of the California Collection at DRI, where we signed up in AZ (and live in AZ), and when at the Vegas Resort, they admitted that the company initially made a mistake in representing what they were selling us, and said that our investment would be worthless in 2 years. We refused to invest further, and the rep got very angry and asked what our alternative plan was. I said we might contact the AZ AG, and he said that he would now have to report us to DRI so our account would be flagged in their legal department.

Irene P.
Mar 30, 2017

Hello, I am looking for a class action suit against Diamond for Washington state residents? My mother was lied to and taken advantage of. Thank you

Gail S.
Mar 30, 2017

Connect with owners advocacy group via: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DiamondResortsOwnersAdvocacy/ This FB site opened and administrated by DRI owners and it has lot of advocates & attorneys helping DRI owners with problems...

Julia M.
Mar 31, 2017

I have them now. Thiefs all around. Yes we need to stand up to these thiefs.

andreah255 wrote:
I too was taken advantage of by DRI. I bought an ILX resort in Sedona, AZ. The MFs were reasonable, IMO. As soon as DRI bought it, the fees skyrocketed. I have just started a FB page so that maybe we can all band together in one place & get something done about this. I have a question for everyone. Was anyone given the option to opt out of DRI or to sell back your timeshare when they took over? I feel like I signed a contract with ILX, not DRI & shouldn't be held to DRI's horrible policies. Maybe I'm just being naive. Btw, my FB page:


Please like the page & share it with anyone else you know that is unhappy with DRI.

Also, if anyone is interested in a class action suit against DRI, please go like the FB page & message me, either here or there. There's strength in numbers! Let's stop complaining & start doing something about them.

Miriam M.
Mar 31, 2017

You may check this FB page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DiamondResortsOwnersAdvocacy/ This FB site opened and administrated by DRI owners and it has lot of advocates & attorneys helping DRI owners with problems... Site has communication with DRI clarity department and currently solving cases on behalf owners. This group has advocates, attorneys, journalists, so it is a lot of traction. Group has a lot of education and resources....

If you would like to start your personal crusade it will take a lot of time and effort... You may try already established problem resolution system.

Julia M.
Apr 03, 2017

Thank you for posting about DRI Owners Advocacy Facebook. We work one on one with members through DRI Consumer Advocacy department. To date we have filed reports to DRI Consumer Advocacy on behalf of 40 members. There have been nine positive outcomes with the issue or complaint resolved. Some of the members, once the issue is resolved, have left DRI, some have scaled back their points to a lower loyalty level, some relinquished. If there is a negative outcome, complaints are filed with the appropriate attorney generals, CFPB, FTC, BBB and in the case of one high volume sales agent, having received identical outlandish and identical claims from members all over the country, I refer to the member's local FBI office. I have heard so many complaints from three sales centers in particular, I am now, as of today, referring those members also to their local FBI office. I spoke to the Tampa FBI field office today. The intake agent I talked to said this would definitely come under their jurisdiction. He said callers should select the white collar crime option. In the case of one the sales agent mentioned above, the outcome is always "he says he didn't say that" so request denied. As one former DRI Sales agent told me, it's a hamster wheel.

Irene P.
Apr 11, 2017

Diamond Resort misreprestation when selling to us

Connie L.
Apr 13, 2017


We were suckered into buying with Diamond Resorts back in December. We are located In California and were at the Polo Towers when all of this took place. We feel that they lied to us about the whole process and kept bringing in other agents that basically just confused us. Anyhow, we would like to join the Facebook group and I have just sent a request to join. Hopefully we can find some help on this matter and can put an end to this mess.

Thanks, Rick

Rick R.
Apr 13, 2017

RICK, I would like to understand your experience since it is so new compared to others who have owned for years and at some point, gotten disillusions. Want to know if you have used your timeshare? Had difficulties with reservations? What specifically has gone wrong since you signed contract? Did you review the rescission information at the time? Give me a call. Your answers may be helpful to other potential buyers and new owners. Jeff 310-801-3479

Jeffrey W.
Apr 13, 2017

Regarding your comment about the sales agent mentioned above, is it the Cancun Agent that I mentioned that said this?

Crystal H.
Apr 17, 2017

I have taken testimonies from five Platinum DRI owners who claim they were victimized by up-sell by Rick Casper at Polo Towers and Cancun. I compared notes with an attorney out west who had just as many complaints as I had so we have many complaints about the same agent. Jeff Weir should talk to that attorney as he does not believe anything I say. I am sickened by a company that has harmed and financially devastated the people I have talked to. They were told to become part of a Legacy program that only Platinum owners could join to sell points as no one else can sell DRI points. All of them own 100,000 DRI points or more who bought to become part of Legacy so they could sell their points. After submitting their testimony to DRI Consumer Advocacy I received the same denials. "Rick Casper never said he could sell your points." People who had Rick Casper's private email say when they email him now they get an autoreply from VP Dan Percy who just instructs people that they are not allowed to assist members selling their points. Complaints I have heard say Dan Percy backed up everything Rick promised, but when members email Dan they are told Rick Casper can no longer receive emails and they are now handled by VP Dan Percy. All the members I have talked to are variations on this theme. I don't just write articles. I volunteer 40 hours a week taking testimony from members including a stage 4 cancer victim told by Rick Casper to buy more points because it would help pay medical bills as they were paying $4 and points are now selling for $8 or $9. I have spoken to three FBI agents/representatives who agree Rick Casper and other agents' pitch in Virginia and Ka'anapali meet the definition of Fraud by Profit under White Collar Crime. Jeff Weir will in all likelihood remove this post because he will not believe this person's testimony either.

I am at the Cancun resort in Las Vegas and went to a breakfast where they said they would simply update me about the changeover to Diamond. I was told that I should have been invited to a dinner where I would have been given options, decided by a judge in a legal ruling against Monarch due to their bankruptcy. They proceeded to show me a print out that said when my current term expires in August. I would have to pay $573 per quarter to Monarch. They said that due to the bankruptcy, I would have no equity. That was option one. Pay more, have nothing. The other option they said was to transfer into Diamond at a cost of $12,000 plus and pay a yearly maintenance fee of $1,700. Less than the $2,292 I would soon be giving Monarch. They also told me that I would then have equity of $41,000 that I could sell. I was in tears. I do not have any extra money. In fact I have been looking for ways to get out of Monarch for over a year now. They said that was not an option and that as an owner, I was now proportionally responsible for their debt. I felt trapped and signed all the papers to transfer, with no idea how I can pay. After reading the comments above I am even more scared. I am trying to start my own business and am already in severe debt. They claimed when they ran my credit though that it looked better than most and assured me I qualified for financing. I would have to pay off, basically transfer to credit cards, which I can barely make my payments on now before I could look to sell. One of the reps assured me that she would put me in touch with someone who could help me sell my points. She even gave me her cell phone number to call after the sale/transfer is finalized. I am really scared though. Please help! We have to do something. It seems as though they have no qualms about lying to and robbing people for their own benefit

Irene P.
Apr 21, 2017

Hello to those who's going through the similar situation as me. Could you please let me know if there has been any progress for suing Diamond Resort for this misconduct of business? Did anyone find a good attorney?

We recently purchased a Gold Membership for only ONE REASON - to pay the maintenance fee with the points. That's how the sales guy convinced us the reason to purchase a gold membership because it pays off. However, I found out it was a BIG LIE. You can not pay the maintenance fee until you became a top member- a Dimond member. The worst thing is, I just found out that even after you became a Dimond member, the price per point is so high, it's not even WORTH IT! It is TOTOTALLY A REAP OFF.

Based on a contract, they mentioned that only at the Diamond level, they will honor the member to pay with the points. Both my husband and I missed that after 4hrs of presentation and getting pressured by a sales guy to purchase more points, basically our bad that we didn't pay a close attention to the contract BUT TRUSTED the sales guy.

Please let me know if anyone also ran into the same or similar scenario. This is so TERRIBLE AND NOT ACCEPTABLE.

kevinbb2 wrote:
I am looking to take Diamond Resorts to court in an attempt to sue for damages as well as getting most of my money back. I'm looking for a good attorney as well as others who need to file suit as well. If there are any timeshare owners who share any wrongdoing please let me know and perhaps together we can move forward

andreah255 wrote:
I too was taken advantage of by DRI. I bought an ILX resort in Sedona, AZ. The MFs were reasonable, IMO. As soon as DRI bought it, the fees skyrocketed. I have just started a FB page so that maybe we can all band together in one place & get something done about this. I have a question for everyone. Was anyone given the option to opt out of DRI or to sell back your timeshare when they took over? I feel like I signed a contract with ILX, not DRI & shouldn't be held to DRI's horrible policies. Maybe I'm just being naive. Btw, my FB page:


Please like the page & share it with anyone else you know that is unhappy with DRI.

Also, if anyone is interested in a class action suit against DRI, please go like the FB page & message me, either here or there. There's strength in numbers! Let's stop complaining & start doing something about them.

Sarah K.

Note: Please do not post ads in the timeshare forums. If you want to add a timeshare posting, go here.