General Discussion

Royal HOliday is a scam

Jun 03, 2016


Sari P.

Last edited by sarip2 on Mar 03, 2018 09:20 AM

Aug 05, 2016


Sari P.

Last edited by sarip2 on Mar 03, 2018 09:22 AM

Nov 22, 2016

Hi Linzec,

I want to cancel my Sol Melia membership. It is a complete scam. Have you cancelled yet? Do you know if there are any negative consequences? I am considering the option of STOPPING PAYMENT and taking my chances.

C C.
Dec 27, 2016


Sari P.

Last edited by sarip2 on Mar 03, 2018 09:22 AM

Dec 27, 2016


Sari P.

Last edited by sarip2 on Mar 03, 2018 09:23 AM

Dec 28, 2016


Sari P.

Last edited by sarip2 on Mar 03, 2018 09:24 AM

Dec 30, 2016


Sari P.

Last edited by sarip2 on Feb 25, 2018 04:48 AM

Dec 30, 2016

I do have a reason to believe even the lawyer scams on this. Sorry to question..

Sari P.

Last edited by sarip2 on Dec 30, 2016 04:59 AM

Dec 30, 2016


Sari P.

Last edited by sarip2 on Dec 30, 2016 06:31 AM

Jan 11, 2017

My husband and I were on our honeymoon in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic at the Princess Resort (not at all “princess” standards btw) when we were forced to go to a place in the resort where they try to severely persuade you to buy into a Royal Holiday timeshare and they do not let you leave. They made the timeshare sound wonderful – “stay anywhere you want! Hotel is free! 35% off airfare! It lasts 30 years and cost never changes!” What it all really meant was NOTHING IS EVER AVAILABLE TO STAY, the 300-page book of hotels are NO LONGER THERE OR AVAILABLE, 35% off airfare only meant that the representative would HELP find a plane ticket and if you find one cheaper on your own they say do it yourself! That's 30 YEARS OF HAVING TO PAY AN ANNUAL FEE OF $500 OR MORE. It's all a lie! They said I could cancel any time and that was FALSE. They said the vacation would be cheaper to use Royal Holiday, but that was FALSE. It's mandatory to pay for "All-Inclusive" which can range from $500-more which is the same price as paying for your hotel! I CANNOT BELIEVE WE GOT SUCKERED INTO BUYING THIS. AVOID ROYAL HOLIDAY AT ALL COSTS! DON'T JOIN ROYAL HOLIDAY UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE TOTALLY SCREWED OUT OF EVERYTHING. It’s best to just save for each trip you’d like to go on. If we had not gotten out of our contract, we would have had to pay $11,000 over 5 years, plus $15,000 or more over 30 years just in annual membership fees. We hired a lawyer which was very inexpensive and were able to find many flaws in the contract because this company is a “scam” as my lawyer stated. We got out of our contract. Our lawyer was Amy Lovegren-Tipton in Fresno, California. They were amazing. Honest, and hardworking for our case. I highly suggest to use this lawyer if you’re looking to get out of your Royal Holiday contract.

Mark F.
Jan 11, 2017

This is a SCAM !!! This low life is steering you to an attorney to get your money. Don't be the next victim . If this is a real attorney then it's called " ambulance chasing " . They post a story on the internet to solicit business. Either way they will take your money and give you every excuse in the book until the time period to dispute the charge on your credit card has expired.

If anyone feels they need to use an attorney contact one where you live not some scammer that posted a story in a forum on the internet. There are plenty of attorneys where you live that you can ask advice. Don't be the next victim.

Don P.
Jan 11, 2017

Are you talking about MY story??? My story is not a scam. My lawyer was able to cancel my contract in 2 months time when it took me over a year to try to cancel on my own to no avail until I had to try to do it another way. I live in Fresno so of course I'm going to get in contact with a lawyer I can meet in person, and thoroughly research. RH is trying to get us to sign a confidentiality agreement before they stop nagging us (we're already out of our contract but they just keep calling), and before we sign we want to post as much as possible to help other people with canceling their timeshare. I'm trying to help before I'm silenced. That's all. You can believe it or not.

Mark F.
Jan 11, 2017

Oh, and although I've read other stories of those who have gotten some money back, my husband and I did not get any money back. Just a walk-away. Which sucked cuz we wasted over $2K on RH but that's better than 30 years and spending a minimum of $25K. I posted the name of the lawyer we used because when I was trying to search for help To cancel, no one ever posted how the heck they got out or which lawyer they used and I posted mine in case you live in the same area as me, and then you can go call and then meet this lawyer knowing it's a legit company.

Mark F.
Jan 11, 2017

And if anyone actually doesn't believe that the lawyer I named if real, then all you have to do is google them and research, call, look at reviews etc. Not a big deal.

Mark F.
Jan 11, 2017

Your story is so full of holes it makes me laugh. Why do you feel it necessary to steer people to a particular law firm .... that's called " ambulance chasing ". If we were to believe your story that you're an idiot. What jerk would allow themselves to be taken hostage like you described. That's called " unlawful imprisonment " no matter what county you are in. Then on top of all the horror you described you still forked over thousands of dollars and bought from the kidnappers.

You're a SCAMMER and anyone that falls for your story is as dumb as you and deserves to lose their hard earned money.

Don P.
Jan 12, 2017


I do believe mark.. 's story. I hope it helps some people. Well.. I lost over 14.000,00 usd. But im in Europe. What can I do? Im out, but rh kept my money. That's not legal. Business is not legal etc etc..

Sari P.
Jan 12, 2017

Sorry Sari but that story is a croc intended to steer victims to an unethical law firm. If the story has any truth to it that the person writing it is an idiot and has no business giving anyone else advice. If they are a shill luring victims then they law firm should be investigated by the California bar association for disciplinary action which is exactly what I am going to do if they continue to post on here. I have downloaded their post and am ready to send a copy to the bar association with a complaint of ethics violation.

It's bad enough to be victimized by lying sales people but it's another for a low life attorney to solicit their hard earned money by using deception.

Don P.
Jan 12, 2017

Sorry Sari ( no pun intended ) but that story is a croc intended to steer victims to an unethical law firm. If the story has any truth to it that the person writing it is an idiot and has no business giving anyone else advice. If they are a shill luring victims then the law firm should be investigated by the California bar association for disciplinary action which is exactly what I am going to do if they continue to post on here. I have downloaded their post and am ready to send a copy to the bar association with a complaint of ethics violation. The IP address can be easily traced.

It's bad enough to be victimized by lying sales people but it's another for a low life attorney to solicit their hard earned money by using unethical practices.

Don P.

Last edited by donp196 on Jan 12, 2017 02:59 PM

Jan 12, 2017

I'm not a freaking lawyer. I work in health care. I was a freaking victim of this stupid timeshare scam of a company. Yeah I got scammed, along with thousands of other people who thought they were investing in something great. But I got out. Thank god. No one has to follow through and use my method of getting out, but I posted my experience hoping it helps someone who's looking for answers. THATS WHAT THIS SITE IS FOR. Don't tell me what to post and what not to post. As far as I'm concerned, YOU are the one trying to steer people away from actually getting help. I don't care what lawyer people use, if any. Just sharing what helped with me. And sure, send this over to the bar association. You'll look like an idiot when they contact my lawyer or me personally and find out that my story is true.

Mark F.
Jan 13, 2017

You are the last person on this earth to give someone advice about a timeshare. According to your " story " you were kidnapped and held prisoner and then spent thousands of dollars to buy from the " kidnappers " .Then you try to steer victims to a specific law firm. Anyone dumb enough to follow your suggestion deserves lose their hard earned money.

I have been monitoring these forums for years and have saved people hundreds of thousands of dollars by exposing scams. I have never asked anyone for a penny or steered them to any company. I advise them to NEVER pay anyone money upfront that claims they can get you out of your contract especially a law firm that you " heard about " on the internet. If someone decides they need the services of an attorney or want advice from one then they should find one right where they live. There are plenty of competent attorneys in every community where you can walk right into their office.

Why on earth would someone use an attorney in another state that they were steered to by someone they never heard of in their life. If someone is dumb enough to fall for advice like that then there is little hope for them.

Don P.

Last edited by donp196 on Jan 13, 2017 07:00 AM

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