Timeshare Companies

Class Action Against Diamond Resorts?

May 29, 2017

Links to 3 reputable law firms with pending litigation case against DRI I would recommend you contact them, it will yield more results than just this discussion....

1. http://www.finnlawgroup.com/

2. Rose Law Group pc; Albright, Stoddard, Warnick & Albright, P.C.; and the Tarics Law Firm, P.C. are law firms not affiliated with Diamond Resorts Holdings, LLC. Diamond Resorts® and Diamond Resorts International® are registered trademarks of Diamond Resorts Holdings, LLC. Attorney Advertising Address: 7144 E Stetson Drive, Suite 300, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Phone: 480-505-3936 Email: info@roselawgroup.com

3. Mitchell Reed Sussman & Associates (specializing in cancelation of contracts) http://www.nolo.com/lawyers/profile/mitchell-sussman

Julia M.
May 29, 2017

Bradford We have "won" through our Diamond Advocacy Facebook efforts. Outcomes are confidential as Diamond requires the signing of a non-disclosure form. One remarkable outcome is not confidential because our article was written prior to the DRI member signing the non-disclosure. Nancy Callahan had been denied a request for a contract rescission alleging they were sold 50,000 points by deceit and concealment. Due to medical symptoms, they did not know they had purchased 50,000 points until they returned home alarmed to see $17,000 charged to a Barclay card as a down payment to buy points. The day I sent a draft of the article below, Nancy received a positive outcome. We have had several other successes. When all else fails we do refer to an attorney. Without legal assistance we have had 16 out of 61 formal complaints result in positive outcomes. Positive outcomes include refunds, relinquishment and loan cancellations. We honor the terms of the non-disclosure agreement so don't discuss details. DRI said we could say positive outcome. The link to our Advocacy Facebook is at the end of the article. We are all volunteers working with Diamond Resorts to resolve issues. We would be happy to help you prepare your complaint if you would like to join the Facebook linked at the end of the article. http://insidetimeshare.com/another-nightmare-timeshare-street/

Irene P.
May 29, 2017

What We're Reading - "South Carolina's Supreme Court Says Timeshare Buyers Can Sue Developers"


Julia M.
May 31, 2017

Yes I'm looking for attorneys handling Diamond resort and gold key cases right now I want to file a class action civil suit against them...it makes no sense I'm so fed up with them...I purchased from.gold key then diamond bought them out...I never got the memo to opt out.of anything or to sale so.im.highly pist

Yolanda H.
Jun 03, 2017

yolandah59 wrote:
Yes I'm looking for attorneys handling Diamond resort and gold key cases right now I want to file a class action civil suit against them...it makes no sense I'm so fed up with them...I purchased from.gold key then diamond bought them out...I never got the memo to opt out.of anything or to sale so.im.highly pist

Read the May 29 post above by juliam181 for specific sources of legal representation; at least three are very clearly identified. There are no guarantees of success and you may or may not even be eligible to join a class action law suit at all in the first place.

I have met and greatly respect Mike Finn, a savvy and capable attorney who is located in Largo, FL, identified first on Julia's list above. That being said, I have absolutely no idea if he can help you. You will have to make that inquiry and that determination for yourself.


Last edited by ken1193 on Jun 03, 2017 08:43 AM

Jun 03, 2017

bradfordl11 wrote:
I think it's 2 bad sales people. I'm not a conspiracy person. Sorry.

No disrespect intended, but this is a profoundly naive and absurd statement. Whether or not you realize it, Diamond has a very long and widely recognized track record of consistently deceitful and predatory practices. That's not a "conspiracy theory"; it is instead a long established and indisputable fact. The same could be said of Westgate and / or Wyndham.

Whether various legal actions undertaken against DRI will ultimately yield any meaningful results for the plaintiffs I have no idea, but I nonetheless respect those willing to stand up against being victimized by DRI's long established deceitful and predatory practices.

I personally do not believe that DRI's new "Clarity" program is a genuine effort to "clean up their act". I believe it to instead be a insincere and nearly meaningless PR stunt; a media ploy created in order to have something to proudly point to during the numerous legal actions and proceedings being brought against DRI. It's a shrewd PR move by and for DRI, but "Clarity" is likely of little meaningful help to those on whom DRI routinely preys.


Last edited by ken1193 on Jun 08, 2017 04:03 AM

Jun 03, 2017

I have interviewed several Diamond members about Clarity when staying at a DRI resort in Sedona. The article published yesterday written by DRI member Dr. Jeffrey Taylor showed that Clarity worked as it was supposed to. http://insidetimeshare.com/fridays-letter-america-7/

However, a couple I interviewed in Sedona were told they had to buy 6000 points for 10,000 or their Monarch maintenance fees would keep going up as fewer held Monarch deeds. They were never told about the $250 relinquishment. I published an article and without the couple even asking, DRI reached out and offered them the relinquishment. It might have helped that I included the AZ AG contact on the email.

Attorneys tell me it is a window dressing for the media and to ward of other attorneys general, but attorneys tend to be suspicious by nature. In an email the AZ AG contact responded to the example I emailed above and encouraged violations of CLARITY, even if in a sales presentation with no purchase, to report those violations to the AZ AG.

A former DRI sales agent turned advocate and I wrote a press release which was picked up by an AZ newspaper. As a result the AZ AG has received an 500 additional complaints in addition to the 400 that prompted the investigation. They said to be patient.

Our Advocacy Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DiamondResortsOwnersAdvocacy/

Irene P.
Jun 04, 2017

It is not particularly clear to me what "Clarity" is. From the context of the article you refer to it appears to be some sort of DRI internal check against fraudulent sales practices, but would appreciate more specific info.

David K.
Jun 05, 2017

davidk689 wrote:
It is not particularly clear to me what "Clarity" is. From the context of the article you refer to it appears to be some sort of DRI internal check against fraudulent sales practices, but would appreciate more specific info.

It's an interesting bit of irony that DRI's "Clarity" program is not particularly clear...

DRI's "Clarity" is a relatively new "disclosure" practice. A little Internet search effort will provide much more detail if you're truly interested . It's a shrewd PR move (I would just call it a PR stunt, frankly) that DRI can now point to oh-so-proudly in the face of numerous legal actions filed against them. In my opinion, "Clarity" is not a particularly meaningful "check", but is instead just a PR move and smokescreen by DRI foxes, addressing affairs of the DRI henhouse. No matter how you spin it, it's still the same hungry foxes running that henhouse. Accordingly, while"Clarity" may indirectly help the tarnished image of hungry DRI foxes from a PR standpoint, it may be of little (or no) substantive benefit to the unsuspecting chickens marching into (or already stuck inside) that DRI henhouse.


Last edited by ken1193 on Jun 13, 2017 03:50 AM

Jun 06, 2017

Suspicious attorneys tell me CLARITY is a smokescreen to ward off other AGs. The DRI website offers a CLARITY description. A DRI employee I interviewed says it is a joke as does three DRI members who attended a sales presentation post clarity. One lone QA officer did upset an up-sell by using the CLARITY forms. I have the complete set of 2017 current documents including the CLARITY docs. If people read the forms (which is a big if) the disclosures are very good.

The biggest outrage is the offer to record the QA session. All the crimes are committed during the sales presentation often with "Don't say anything to the QA person because they are often months behind new programs" or "I could get fired for telling you about this new program!" Media outreach is the key BEFORE naive consumers take a tour. Recording the QA session only protects DRI in court.

Irene P.
Jun 07, 2017

irenep59 wrote:
Suspicious attorneys tell me CLARITY is a smokescreen to ward off other AGs. The DRI website offers a CLARITY description. A DRI employee I interviewed says it is a joke as does three DRI members who attended a sales presentation post clarity. One lone QA officer did upset an up-sell by using the CLARITY forms. I have the complete set of 2017 current documents including the CLARITY docs. If people read the forms (which is a big if) the disclosures are very good.

The biggest outrage is the offer to record the QA session. All the crimes are committed during the sales presentation often with "Don't say anything to the QA person because they are often months behind new programs" or "I could get fired for telling you about this new program!" Media outreach is the key BEFORE naive consumers take a tour. Recording the QA session only protects DRI in court.

Good points, all. Who could possibly regard DRI's "Clarity" program as anything but a relatively weak PR stunt, established to create the APPEARANCE and ILLUSION of honesty and full disclosure? DRI has no particular interest in either honesty or full disclosure --- they never did, they don't now and they never will, despite the newly crafted PR charade known as "Clarity". Multiple lawsuits may have given DRI some inspiration to "spin" their image more positively, but actual integrity remains a concept completely foreign to DRI.

You are also (unfortunately) absolutely correct about people "signing on the dotted line" but never even bothering to read their contract documents until it's too late (...if ever). Most people don't even bother to read enough of the contract material to learn that they have the legal right, provided to them by applicable state law, to CANCEL the transaction entirely (within 3-10 days, depending on individual state), information HANDED to them IN WRITING right at the time of contract execution. It's quite sad really, bordering on pathetic.


Last edited by ken1193 on Jun 07, 2017 02:00 PM

Jun 07, 2017

I wrote to one of the attorney suggested in Red Week but have not received a REPLY even though it has been 3 months since I sent the email

Robert D.
Jun 07, 2017

I contacted Diamond and told them I wished to relinquish my 22, 500 points. They accepted them back for a simple fee of $250 per contract (I had 3 since I bought 3 separate times) and that was it. End of story There was no problem and no difficulty.

Fred M.
Jun 07, 2017

"I wrote to one of the attorney suggested in Red Week but have not received a REPLY even though it has been 3 months since I sent the email".

Which attorney did you emailed?

Julia M.

Last edited by juliam181 on Jun 07, 2017 06:55 PM

Jun 11, 2017

I am too interested in filing a law suit against this group. I am going to va Beach court house and file civil suit. I will be requesting a jury and feel like I habe a strong case.

Katherine R.
Jun 11, 2017

Me as well

Katherine R.
Jun 11, 2017

"I am too interested in filing a law suit against this group. I am going to va Beach court house and file civil suit. I will be requesting a jury and feel like I habe a strong case".

You contract most likely has arbitration provision. If you didn't not output with 30 days of signing your contract it will be very difficult to chalange the arbitration...

Julia M.
Jun 11, 2017

The class action filed in May in California District Court is linked below. Class actions are nothing more than one or two families because DRI is one of the only major timeshares that forces members to arbitration because that is all in a day's work. This class action is interesting because it mimics so many of the complaints our Advocacy Group has heard. https://topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/lawsuit-news/670995-class-action-diamond-resorts-pressures-buyers-timeshare-contracts/

We have attorneys who have filed class actions and lawsuits against DRI on our DRI member sponsored Facebook. It is effective to file complaints with the FBI under White Collar Crime through their portal IC3.gov if you feel you were a victim of deceit, concealment violation of trust and bait and switch, especially file with the state real estate division against the sales agent in question, the CFPB under the mortgage option selecting Barclays who issues the credit card and they also finance DRI loans. The AGs where you live, where you signed, and Nevada even if not effective as we can determine the number of complaints filed vs acted on. Florida 110 out of 2,360 complaints as Florida is firmly on the side of the developer. Also ARDA for violating ARDA's Code of Ethics. Our FB is over 300 members proactively working together especially reaching out to the media as lobby efforts have rendered the court of public opinion the only real outlet for change. https://www.facebook.com/groups/DiamondResortsOwnersAdvocacy/

Irene P.
Jun 12, 2017

I bought in with MGV in the 90's! When they went bankrupt they sold to Diamond Resorts. My maintenance fees went from $500 a quarter to over $900 a quarter! I hired a service called Cancel By Owner to take care of this scam but all they did was return the points I had already paid for back over to Diamond. Diamond is still pursuing the balance of the loan and Monarch is pursuing maintenance fees! This is a total rip off and these people should be made to pay! Please contact me with any solutions you may have.

Mike A.
Jun 13, 2017

NEVER pay anyone money upfront that claims they can get you out of your timeshare .

Don P.

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