General Discussion

Royal HOliday is a scam

Jan 13, 2017

Last person on earth? Really? THE LAST person? You are ridiculous. Come down off your high horse. I don't care what you think of my story. You're not the one who experienced it. Me and my disabled husband did. Yes you're correct, someone who wants a lawyer should find one in their own area. DUH. They are stupid if they don't. Which is what I did. I posted the name of my lawyer in case someone reading this was in the Fresno area.

Its great you're helping others on this site because Everyone in a time share trying to get out needs all the help they can get, including me when I needed it. Which is the point of these forums. Stop being an internet bully and trying to pick me apart just because I named my personal lawyer. If you don't like that, tough. Cuz again, it doesn't matter what YOU think.

I didn't get on this site and post My experience to get in some immature argument with a jerk who has nothing better to do then antagonize people and call them "scammers" when they had to put up with all kinds of crap from actual scammers. Stop responding to my messages, you're only taking away from the helpfulness of this forum.

Mark F.
Jan 13, 2017


Something S.

Last edited by markf554 on Jan 13, 2017 08:49 PM

Jan 13, 2017

Hey donp196,

You sound like an internet bully. I suggest moving on from this forum. She's not advocating her business, shes not a lawyer from the sound of it, she got scammed and provided information on how she got out. Do yourself a favor and stop using the internet, doesn't seem like its doing your social skills any use. Do you know what people like you are called? Keyboard warriors. You talk all big because of the disconnect the internet brings. Move on, get a life and leave people alone.

I believe the story. People make bad decisions when on vacation, due to the "vacation high." Its how scams like these work. With all your "years of experience" helping people, you should understand that.

Good job markf522 for getting out of that scam and thank you for posting how you did so.

Some T.
Jan 14, 2017

This sounds like the obvious attorney scam. It has been perpetrated in the forums over and over again. The " shill " comes in the forum telling a horrific story and then they claim an attorney came riding in on a white horse to save the day. They lure victims to the attorney to get their upfront money with a promise that they can solve their problem and get them out of their contract . Once they pay the upfront money then the excuses start coming until the time to dispute the charges on their credit cards has expired.

If anyone has noticed all of a sudden critics have come out of the woodwork to attack me. Ask yourself why all of a sudden these people have shown up to support someone with an outrageous story . I am not against someone consulting an attorney if they need one. I will not tolerate steering victims to an attorney that a " shill " has recommended. Once again I will repeat advice to stay safe from scammers :

NEVER pay anyone money upfront that claims they can get you out of your contract !!!

NEVER go to a website that you have been steered to by an unknown person posting a story about how a specific person or law firm got them out of their contract.

If you feel you need the assistance of an attorney find one where you live. There are plenty of competent attorneys in every community.

I will continue to monitor the forums daily and expose what looks like a scam when I see one. Bring it on !!

Don P.
Feb 13, 2017

I have a very bad experience with Royal holiday club. We stayed at Royal park Cancun. The receptionist was friendly and duped us into attending a session with RHC rep. We attended and this rep gave us a very aggressive sales pitch on how we are paying alot for our trips, etc, etc. He asked for my credit card so that he can ask his boss to give us some fee gift. Being naive and thinking such a big resort can not trick us I gave my credit card. After looking closely at all the costs and charges we decided not to sign-up and left. On the last day, as I was checking out, they again asked us to come to RHC office where they informed us that they have already swiped my credit card for 6500 USD. We had made up our mind that we are not going to sign-up but they kept pushing and made me talk to all the supervisors and finally they offered me trail membership for 3500USD. Fearing that I wont get my money back and intimidated by this situation in addition to the fact that this was taking a long time and we had our flights back, I signed the trail contract.

After coming back I did a google search (which I should have done way before), I realized going though all the reviews that this a phony company and as stated in the contact cancelled the trail membership within 5 days.

Its been 4 months I have been asking for a refund. Each time when I call they hang up or tell me that I need to contact the Resort etc etc. So far I have not received my refund. This is turning out to be nightmare and it makes our decision not to sign-up for their full contact very correct.

I will be taking legal action if this is not resolved as I have been very patiently waiting for this refund but so far its all on deaf ears.

Gurbir S.
Feb 13, 2017

Contact your credit card company and reverse the charge. If you have proof that you cancelled within the rescission period it's a no brainer and you get your money back without having to pay an attorney.

Don P.
May 31, 2017

I was also duped by Royal Holiday. After 6 months of payments and research, I decided to quit paying. First thing I did was contact a good contract lawyer. The price is well worth it. He looked over the contract and found a section that allowed us to cancel. Royal Holiday will say no, but the contract is worded so poorly, my lawyer feels they do not have a legal argument. It's been 5 months and they haven't done a thing. They threatened to go to a collection agency a month ago, but I have not heard a word. Get aggressive, I have saved over a $1,100 and counting. I also refused to pay the yearly maintenance fee in January which was another $500. Every time they put a charge on my credit card I dispute it. I sent my bank the letter my lawyer wrote cancelling the contract. In the letter my lawyer asked for our down payment be returned. Should a collection agency ever contact me, I will tell them that Royal Holiday owes me money and that they have their facts wrong. I tell my bank I'm in a contract dispute and they remove the charges while investigating. I recently got word the the charges from January would be removed permanently. Each month is a stand alone challenge, but so far I am not paying them.

David G.
May 31, 2017

I would consider changing credit card companies, or at least credit card numbers, so that they don't know how to charge you. It is best to draw a financial barrier between you and them.

John I.
Jun 01, 2017

davidg1375 wrote:
First thing I did was contact a good contract lawyer. The price is well worth it. He looked over the contract and found a section that allowed us to cancel.

How much did this "good contract lawyer" charge you? Are you sure you could not have done the same thing yourself for a lot less money?

Lance C.
Jun 02, 2017

It cost around $400. That was the initial consultation and the writing of the cancellation letter. A little less than 2 months payments. It gave me some piece of mind, allowed me to ask questions and he will be there in the future should I need advice. I think it also helps when the cancellation letter is written with a lawyer on the letterhead. I don't think Royal Holiday likes it when lawyers are involved. They are all about bullying.

David G.
Jun 07, 2017

davidg1375 wrote:
...that was the initial consultation and the writing of the cancellation letter. A little less than 2 months payments. It gave me some piece of mind, allowed me to ask questions and he will be there in the future should I need advice. I think it also helps when the cancellation letter is written with a lawyer on the letterhead. I don't think Royal Holiday likes it when lawyers are involved.

I respectfully submit that your story is a bit difficult to comprehend or believe as presented. NO ONE (including the very best attorneys) can just unilaterally "cancel" a timeshare, which is a legally binding contractual obligation. Accordingly, your reference to a "cancellation letter" frankly has me just scratching my head in puzzlement. Contractual obligations can't just be "cancelled", like one might "cancel" home delivery of a newspaper, or "cancel" a premium channel subscription on cable TV service. Contracts are (usually) carefully crafted legally binding instruments. It takes TWO cooperating parties to voluntarily execute a lawful contract and it takes TWO cooperating parties to void a lawfully executed contract. It isn't just a "one way street" to be driven at the whim of just one party , so the very phrase "timeshare cancellation" quite simply makes no legal (or logical) sense.

Are you perhaps actually referring to rescission, which is a contract cancellation right provided to EVERYONE under applicable state law, with cancellation (rescission) time periods varying between 3-10 days (depending entirely upon the individual state)? If so, then you never actually needed a lawyer AT ALL to submit a letter of rescission; you could have done that for yourself in two brief sentences and the cost of USPS certified mail postage.


Last edited by ken1193 on Feb 26, 2018 03:12 AM

Jul 17, 2017

I believe two things allowed me to cancel at any time. One was the statement from the salesperson that we could cancel at any time. Another was a statement in the contract. #9 says "This agreement may be cancelled by the PURCHASER extemporaneously, as long as the PURCHASER is current in its payments, also SELLER at its sole discretion may cancel the agreement if PURCHASER fails to fulfill any of its obligations of the agreement and / or the operating rules of the club, attached." The above clause in the contract was the clause the salesperson referenced when he told us we could cancel at any time.

ken1193 wrote:
davidg1375 wrote:
...that was the initial consultation and the writing of the cancellation letter. A little less than 2 months payments. It gave me some piece of mind, allowed me to ask questions and he will be there in the future should I need advice. I think it also helps when the cancellation letter is written with a lawyer on the letterhead. I don't think Royal Holiday likes it when lawyers are involved.

I respectfully submit that your story is a bit difficult to comprehend or believe as presented. NO ONE (including the very best attorneys) can just unilaterally "cancel" a timeshare, which is a legally binding contractual obligation. Accordingly, your reference to a "cancellation letter" frankly has me just scratching my head in puzzlement. Contractual obligations can't just be "cancelled", like one might "cancel" home delivery of a newspaper, or "cancel" a premium channel subscription on cable TV service. Contracts are (usually) carefully crafted legally binding instruments. It takes TWO cooperating parties to voluntarily execute a lawful contract and it takes TWO cooperating parties to void a lawfully executed contract. It isn't just a "one way street" to be driven at the whim of just one party , so the very phrase "timeshare cancellation" quite simply makes no legal (or logical) sense.

Before you ask, yes --- I DO have several DECADES of legal and courtroom experience, as well as almost that that much time being associated with timeshare ownership. I know whereof I speak and I just can't comprehend (or accept) your claim as presented.

Are you perhaps actually referring to rescission, which is a contract cancellation right provided to EVERYONE under applicable state law, with cancellation (rescission) time periods varying between 3-10 days (depending entirely upon the individual state)? If so, then you never actually needed a lawyer AT ALL to submit a letter of rescission; you could have done that for yourself in two brief sentences and the cost of USPS certified mail postage.

David G.
Jul 18, 2017

I believe there was many ways to cancel these contracts, one is illegal worldwide business (sorry the lack of english once again). But f.e bacause im in Finland, its almost Impossible to wven find any lawyers here. Different language.. Different part of world.. We follow Finnish laws, EU laws etc. Rhc is not any legally functioning business inside EU because rhc is equal to Isle of Man here.. Meaning the same if Cayman island's business of rhc was charing you guys in States. Everyone knows its a fraud in that case, right?

Jul 18, 2017

Also inside EU. If business exists in Spanish speaking country, it needs business also in Finnish speaking country. My language is Finnish.

Aug 10, 2017

We just signed up for the membership less than a week ago. Have you experienced any problems since? And how far a long do you sign up for your vacations?

Phuong L.
Feb 25, 2018


Sari P.

Last edited by sarip2 on Mar 03, 2018 09:25 AM

Mar 22, 2018

Hi, We made the same terrible mistake! Any luck on getting your money back ? Or suggestions for us??

Laurie B.
Mar 22, 2018

The best advice I've seen in this thread is just stop paying and walk away and cut your losses .

Don P.
Mar 22, 2018

laurieb353 wrote:
We made the same terrible mistake! Any luck on getting your money back ? Or suggestions for us??

How much have you paid so far? Do you owe more for your initial membership? Do you have to pay dues or fees each year?

Lance C.
Apr 04, 2018

I’m waiting for the same thing. My credit card reversed charges but added back last week. I’m sending them all the disputed emails and even contract cancellation Royal holiday sent me. The only thing is the contract cancellations Saids no refunds.

Yvette R.

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