General Discussion

Royal HOliday is a scam

Jun 03, 2018

if you are a lawyer or so... U understand very well what those tax havens are for?..

I have very little knowledge about (and absolutely no interest in) tax law, but I frankly suspect that attempting to file suit against Royal Holiday would be an expensive and pointless endeavor; basically a fool’s errand with no prospect of success --- but I wish you luck if you choose to pursue that avenue anyhow.


Last edited by ken1193 on Jun 18, 2018 05:10 AM

Jun 03, 2018



Last edited by sarip4 on Jan 31, 2019 04:04 AM

Jun 04, 2018


Thank you for your prompt reply.

I suspect that R.H. has a contract as do many Airlines with these resorts. Im sure you cannot personally or professionally offer any information on anyone who has not paid their annual fees being prevented from vacationing at these resorts with R.H. presence. I post this in hopes to solicit any one who may have encountered this problem.

In dealing with a resort in planning a wedding and the costs affiliated with it is almost as bad as dealing with R.H. to some extent. I cant envision a resort refusing entry due to a failed contract between the vacationer and R.H. BUT it's the D.R. /Mexico and I guess they set their own rules .

Tony S.
Jun 06, 2018



Last edited by sarip4 on Feb 02, 2019 08:44 AM

Jun 07, 2018



Last edited by sarip4 on Jan 31, 2019 09:38 AM

Jun 11, 2018



Last edited by sarip4 on Feb 01, 2019 01:53 PM

Jun 11, 2018



Last edited by sarip4 on Feb 02, 2019 08:43 AM

Jun 15, 2018



Last edited by sarip4 on Jan 31, 2019 02:21 AM

Jun 15, 2018

I simply have to share this with you. As a recap, I too got scammed out of 25 K and do not expect any solution to this issue. In the meantime I have been hounded with e-mails and phone calls requesting payment for my annual fees. I have decided not to accommodate them . Now i have had threats of financial penalties that started 2% and now Im up to 33 %...Yesterday I went to the mail and received another letter from R.H. it stated that my account balance was nil and that a late payment fee of 2 .5% if I did not pay my annual fee. It simply shows how screwed up their own accounting system is. BTW my annual fee was due in Jan.2018. I realize its hard to tell anyone ya got scammed but its important to let people know especially when on holidays at locations these scavengers prey on.

Tony S.
Jun 15, 2018



Last edited by sarip4 on Feb 02, 2019 08:45 AM

Jun 15, 2018



Last edited by sarip4 on Feb 02, 2019 08:44 AM

Jun 16, 2018

Thanks, I simply do not have the personal funds to chase legal issues in these foreign countries. I would bet if you purchased the contract in D.R. then this is where the offence/fraud took place , hence this is the jurisdiction. Furthermore it's a civil issue as there is no criminal intent although we all think it is as we were all defrauded. We all signed a contract and were remiss to ensure it included meals, air flights etc after copious cervessa's. They are sticking to the contents of the the contract. Essentially you would have to round up everyone that you had the verbal exchange with, have them suponed, set a court date and hope they tell the truth . What do you think the chances are ??? Our Minister of Foreign affairs will not fight this battle . Unless 20/20 interviens you can kiss your bucks good buy. We have liaison officers stationed around the world and they would not jeopardize their position to intervene in a civil matter. The old saying Byer Be Ware still holds true.

I do have intentions to let as many tourists I meet in the DR to pass the word about R.H. and see for themselves what the internet has to say about them.

Tony S.
Jun 18, 2018

Additional to spreading the word makes sense to file complaint and put your review on Better Business Bureau website ( ). The current rating for Royal Holiday Club today is B+. This make this company look like legit business with good customer satisfaction. This rating might stop future customers and do not let them to proceed with a new contract. Also, you reach more people and ventilate your frustration with the Royal Holiday on Google review ( just type “royal holiday club” in Google search and you will see company’s profile on the right ), Facebook and other consumers review websites .

Klim G.
Jun 18, 2018



Last edited by sarip4 on Feb 01, 2019 01:49 PM

Jun 20, 2018



Last edited by sarip4 on Feb 02, 2019 08:59 AM

Jun 21, 2018

Super beganis

Mahesh A.
Jun 22, 2018



Last edited by sarip4 on Jan 30, 2019 06:24 AM

Jun 22, 2018

Royal Holidays has always been a scam. I have worked in the timeshare industry for over 15 years in Mexico, U.S., and Caribbean. I had always refused to work for them because I knew that the owner, expected the sales and marketing agents to lie.

Also, when you purchase outside of the U.S., i.e. Mexico, three things you must be aware of.

1. You own nothing, but air. It is merely a club membership. There is very little, if any, availability. Now, Mexico is charging "resort fees."

2. The resorts are hotels, not totally timeshare. Only a number of rooms are dedicated to timeshare which is why there is never any availability when you want it. They need the hotel space to bring in more tours for their sales presentations, and high season (top dollar) pays the most money.

3. Review your contract. Many are based in other countries outside of where you purchased, i.e. Panama.

I worked in many resorts in Mexico and Caribbean. You can always walk away and owe them nothing. There will be no repercussions, except you give up what you have put in. You can walk away from any timeshare outside of the U.S. whether it is paid for or not.

Best of luck!

Wayne C.

Last edited by vhines on Jun 26, 2018 11:29 AM

Jun 23, 2018


Do you know who is the owner of RH?


Last edited by sarip4 on Jun 23, 2018 02:58 PM

Jun 24, 2018

I do. Begins with an M.

Wayne C.

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