Timeshare Companies

Class Action Against Diamond Resorts?

May 29, 2018

Please let us know how to join. We need help so we will not be financially ruined. We are in high 70's and they worked us over one night till after midnight. RonSwenson41@gmail.com

Thanks, Ron

Ron S.
May 30, 2018

Did you manage to contact anyone about class action law suit.

Norman C.
Jun 18, 2018

How do I get added to a class action lawsuit against Diamond Resorts

Chas. H.
Jul 19, 2018

My husband and I were pressured into buying the sampler for $3995 we were approved for their credi card . At the time I want working and we told the sale man that we didn’t have to income he lied on the application and claimed he did us a favor and got us 0% apr for 6 months ... the guy even offered to help get me job out in California / Los Angeles were we live . We purchased the sampler in Los Vegas 1 yr ago today . We finally used it this past weekend after trying several times to book a stay . We literally used 12,000 points for a 4 night stay in Palm Springs were I ended up getting bed bug bites . I can’t even book another trip because I have no more points . We were forced to attend the stupid meeting and wanted 6 hrs of our stay saying no over and over. We were told one good story when we were pressured into getting this stupid sampler and when asked. about it they said those deals would become available to us when we became timeshare owners for another $13,000 . I explained that I was not interested at all $4000 dollars later and I pretty much got 1 trip out of it . I asked the value of each point .... $9.15 a point WTF ??? $9.15 x’s 12,000 = bullshit for a stay in Palm Springs . I shared a bed with bed bugs .and didn’t even get anything free out of this only trip .

At the end I was told I can purchase ANOTHER SAMPLER to be able to book the vacation I originally asked about when first getting suckered (I wanted to go to Puerto Rico which isn’t even part of the sampler destinations)

Please tell me that I can get at least 1/2 my money back .

Please email me any leads , contacts or info ANYONE can share .


Angie A.
Jul 19, 2018

The first purchase is a done deal. You bought in, used it and you have a contract.

Unless your second purchase was within the past week, you are too late to rescind (cancel) that "upgrade" and / or receive any refund. If the second purchase was within the past week, you can still cancel it (you must do so in writing, under signature). If you are able to cancel the second contract, there would be no impact whatsoever upon the first contract; you would simply be returned to the status before the second contract was executed, as if the second purchase never happened at all. However, I'm guessing you are already well past the state law rescission period for that second purchase; I hope I'm mistaken.


Last edited by ken1193 on Jul 19, 2018 03:07 AM

Jul 20, 2018

Show that the salesman lied on your application and then cancel the credit card, he filled it in RIGHT? (fraud)

Ralph O.
Jul 25, 2018

I know I am coming in very late on this but I wanted to inform you that I too had a problem with Mark Schilling in August 2016 when he was employed by Wyndham Resorts, Williamsburg, VA.

It's a very long story but I contacted Wyndham's Corporate Office about my experience with Mark within a week of our interaction & they immediately began an investigation. Luckily I had numerous text messages from him that documented his deceptions which I forwarded to their office. After much aggravation, many months, & a great deal of work on the part of Wyndham's Corporate office, my transaction with Mr. Schilling was reversed.

Whether on his own accord or at the urging by Wyndham, Mark must have left Wyndham and became employed by Diamond Resorts. The bottom line is this.... It may not be the Company that is at fault, but the salesperson. Then again, how the company chooses to handle such situations demonstrates the integrity of the Company.

I consider myself very lucky.

Sandra R.
Aug 06, 2018

Any news about the Class Action Against Diamond Resorts?

Ray S.
Aug 08, 2018

I am an owner of Diamond Resorts Timeshare and have only once in the four years I have been an owner been able to reserve a timeshare. How do I become a part of the class-action suit?

Marisa Wood

Marisa W.
Aug 15, 2018

How do I join the class action against Diamond Resorts.

Sylvia S.
Sep 06, 2018

I purchased a sampler from diamond resorts in excess of $3000 We have used the sampler to purchase a week in Hawaii Diamond resorts have threatened us and said unless we attend a sales presentation they will charge us an additional $300 a day Please advise what We can do!

Jeff K.
Sep 12, 2018

We want to find out how we can get added to the c look as action against Diamond Resorts. Please contact me Steve Hammon at (951) 312-5207 or by email at steven_h92505@yahoo.com.

Thank you, Steven Hammon

Steven H.
Sep 12, 2018

jeffk313 wrote:
I purchased a sampler from diamond resorts in excess of $3000 We have used the sampler to purchase a week in Hawaii Diamond resorts have threatened us and said unless we attend a sales presentation they will charge us an additional $300 a day Please advise what We can do!

Go to the presentation and just get through it. Leave at the allotted time. Do not buy. They are so good, I know it is hard, but you must resist. Find out what the recession period is in Hawaii, just in case.

Robert R.

Last edited by robertr558 on Sep 12, 2018 07:58 PM

Sep 13, 2018

go to the sales presentation and be very rude to the shill (salesperson), if he/she insists on continuing after you state your lack of interest. Leave your credit cards and checkbooks in your room. Don't answer any of his/her questions, or answer with "it's none of your business". Drink some soda water and have a couple of hot dogs with sauerkraut before the meeting, and punctuate the presentation with loud burps and farts.

jeffk313 wrote:
I purchased a sampler from diamond resorts in excess of $3000 We have used the sampler to purchase a week in Hawaii Diamond resorts have threatened us and said unless we attend a sales presentation they will charge us an additional $300 a day Please advise what We can do!

David K.
Sep 23, 2018

I have a have a diamond resorts timeshare and I want out.

Angela H.
Sep 23, 2018

angelah474 wrote:
I have a have a diamond resorts timeshare and I want out.

Did you buy it from the developer at one of those sales presentations or did you buy it resale? If the former, you can check out Diamond's deed back program where they will charge about $250 to take it back. Contact the loss mitigation department at Diamond.

Do not pay any company that claims it will "cancel" your timeshare.

Lance C.
Sep 26, 2018

Irene, I have a timeshare at Los Abrigados, Resort and Spa, in Sedona, AZ. (2 BR, every other year.) Like many here, the maintenance fees have risen to the point that I would just as soon "walk away." I'd be quite satisfied to just give my unit (a fully paid for, deeded property) back to the resort. How, EXACTLY, can I do that? ... maybe execute a Quit Claim Deed? And if I just tell them I am "done" in some manner, can they still legally charge me maintenance fees; and then interest; and then pursue collection charges? That just does not seem right. The covenants I have been able to access (limited, due to a Bankruptcy, after which Diamond took over MANAGEMENT< but evidently not Ownership) do not seem to address this situation directly. Is there a contact in the AZ Department of Real Estate, or somewhere? I have, of course, read about putting the unit up for sale here on Redweek or elsewhere, but I really do not feel it has much, if any, value due to the high maintenance fees. I would happily sell it for any nominal amount, but I don't feel that is completely appropriate. I'd appreciate any direction or advice! JG

irenep59 wrote:
Brenda Gibbs - Our DRI Advocacy Facebook has people working behind the scenes and out front to resolve DRI issues. To date DRI has refunded or cancelled $722,353 worth of points and weeks, but always a battle and never a guarantee. I estimate we have saved families a conservative $170,000 not having to retain a lawyer, although several lawyers have reviewed cases without charge. There have been many complaints against the Virginia sales center. Polo Towers is sending their agents to train VA agents. At the top of our Facebook page there is a complaint form. The member sends their complaint to DRI Advocacy and I send the complaint to DRI CEO Team, NTOA as they are tracking complaints for us, Barclays President's office if a credit card or loan is involved, DRI PR firm launching Clarity, and Robert Clements, General Counsel and Lobbyist for ARDA for Violating ARDA's Code of Ethics which appears to be meaningless. We give it a week before filing regulatory complaints. I have taken 130 DRI complaints, 73 formal, 31 positive outcomes. https://www.facebook.com/groups/DiamondResortsOwnersAdvocacy/ Michaellk819 Noely7 I have learned it is still a good idea to file a complaint with the CFPB. For some unknown reason I received two phone calls from Mr. Wilson President's office, Barclays Bank and two letters from Mr. Nickerson, President's office of Barclaycard. Just yesterday I sent the latter an eight page letter describing the pattern of up-sell complaints - maintenance fee relief programs that do not exist and the ability to sell if you up-grade to the next level.

We take it as far as we can go. If there is a loan and not enough bait and switch and deceit, reaching a dead end, I refer to a Florida and Nevada lawyer. If the family is headed for foreclosure, for California residents I have a good debt collection attorney based on reports that have come back to me after referring. Of course, DRI never admits wrong doing. It helps to have a debilitating illness.

There is no debtors prison in America. One of the articles I wrote I called the 3Rs or F of timeshare - Resolution, Refund, Relinquishment or Foreclosure. No one should be stuck with anything for life. I use the process I learned working for Family Court. I am a volunteer. ARDA accused me of being compensated which is illegal if soliciting for attorneys but ended up shooting themselves in the foot with that one.

Sep 26, 2018

Please contact me on this law suit I have timeshare diamond resorts

Helen Y.
Sep 27, 2018

heleny42 wrote:
Please contact me on this law suit I have timeshare diamond resorts

Fyi, there is no way to "contact you" directly in these discussion forums.

If you have no unpaid loan balance and your maintenance fees are completely up to date, you can contact Diamond directly to use Diamond's "deedback" program (which they call "Transitions"). Diamond's deedback fee is now $750. If your account is not paid up to date, or if you purchased in the resale market (not directly from Diamond), you will not be eligible for deedback under Transitions.

It is my personal opinion that any "class action lawsuit" against Diamond (like most class action lawsuits) is just unrealistic wishful thinking. Most class action lawsuits (although great for the lawyers) ultimately go absolutely nowhere and yet still take a very long time to get there. I'd look at more effective and expedient options (like Transitions) to get yourself out of Diamond and get yourself out quickly, efficiently and permanently. It's your call and your decision. Good luck.


Last edited by ken1193 on Sep 27, 2018 03:36 AM

Sep 27, 2018

There was at one time a class action lawsuit against ILX/Los Abrigados before they went bankrupt and were taken over by DRI. The suit was settled and the overwhelming share of the settlement went to the attorneys on both sides. The plaintiffs got a sum total of $30 credit, which could only be used at the resort and within a specified period of time. I used mine to get a bathrobe at the gift shop.

ken1193 wrote:
heleny42 wrote:
Please contact me on this law suit I have timeshare diamond resorts

Fyi, there is no way to "contact you" directly in these discussion forums.

If you have no unpaid loan balance and your maintenance fees are completely up to date, you can contact Diamond directly to use Diamond's "deedback" program (which they call "Transitions"). Diamond's deedback fee is now $750. If your account is not paid up to date, or if you purchased in the resale market (not directly from Diamond), you will not be eligible for deedback under Transitions.

It is my personal opinion that any "class action lawsuit" against Diamond (like most class action lawsuits) is just unrealistic wishful thinking. Most class action lawsuits (although great for the lawyers) ultimately go absolutely nowhere and yet still take a very long time to get there. I'd look at more effective and expedient options (like Transitions) to get yourself out of Diamond and get yourself out quickly, efficiently and permanently. It's your call and your decision. Good luck.

David K.

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