The Manhattan Club

Manhattan Club Lawsuit

Dec 15, 2018


I am not sure you are right. I think the developer owns the building.

I think what we own is the right to use a cube of space for one week each year forever.

However, we were still cheated, and it continues. I was told that the owners would eventually have control of the Owners Association after a finite number of deeds like ours were sold.

They lied, and the developer's financial strategy is to deny the owners from ever having a say in the selection of the management contract and no say in who gets paid or how much.

To me, THAT is the primary fraud, and that is why I joined the Zimmerman (JMZ)lawsuit in order to obtain what we were promised.

As an aside, I think that JMZ will be successful, especially after the AG settlement, but I think it will take a while because of the clear strategy that Eichner's attorneys are pursuing: delay, obstruct, and at the last minute, cut a deal. They know they would never win in a jury trial.

Craig R.

Last edited by craigr32 on Dec 15, 2018 06:59 PM

Dec 16, 2018

that i have seen, BLUEGREEN RESORTS received a C+ RATING from the BBB. BLUEGREEN CORP is listed as NR (not rated) by BBB. VERY TELLING TO SAY THE LEAST. i believe it's BLUEGREEN CORP that is now a principal at THE MANHATTAN CLUB. wow, that makes me feel so much better.............C+ AND NR, A WONDERFUL COMBINATION. i hope the list of all TMC owners will be made available to us owners and/or the attorneys involved in the possible lawsuit still pending and being developed. i have doubts that (as the judge ruled in the december 12 hearing) mr tucker's sitting with eichner's or current TMC's attorneys to obtain the TMC owners'list, will prove fruitful. that would probably yield a victory for us which TMC would not risk. what's the next step? is there a next step? if mr tucker's efforts with TMC fails, he'll probably end up in court again. this process will take much more time to arrange, meanwhile, TMC owners will continue to pay ultra-exorbitant maintenance fees for reservations they may not even be able to get.

again i urge all owners to send a substantially-worded complaint to the FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION, including some of the avenues we have attempted for justice for us TMC owners to prevail.

FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION website..........................................

Chris V.
Dec 16, 2018

Accord to CoStar Group, Highgate Hotels LP in Irving, TX owns our building, 200 W56 St NY NY. Costar is a provider of commercial real estate information, analytics, and online marketplaces. Its headquarters are located in Washington, D.C. CoStar has been a publicly traded company since 1998, and trades under CSGP on the NASDAQ stock exchange. Wikipedia

Steven W
Dec 16, 2018

good information steven,

in your opinion, how does this data affect us TMC shareowners? is there a different strategy that we can use because of your uncovering this previously unknown ownership?

stevenw317 wrote:
Accord to CoStar Group, Highgate Hotels LP in Irving, TX owns our building, 200 W56 St NY NY. Costar is a provider of commercial real estate information, analytics, and online marketplaces. Its headquarters are located in Washington, D.C. CoStar has been a publicly traded company since 1998, and trades under CSGP on the NASDAQ stock exchange. Wikipedia

Chris V.
Dec 16, 2018

Chris- when I bought my initial two weeks of Manhattan Club timeshares, the attorney at that time in their sales office indicated to me that we would be receiving fee simple deeds and one of the sales people there told me that we would own shares in the property. That attorney told me to get everything in writing and to make sure I received the recorded deeds for my 2 weeks. Sadly, that attorney later died. That is why there was some confusion as to who actually owned the building. Did you receive recorded deeds? Now there appears to be even more confusion with the later posting on this sight about another entity owning the building. So, now the question arises, are we as owners getting billed for rent to be paid to this other entity? If they own the building, what is in it for them? Did they purchase the building from Eicher? Again, what is the incentive for them to acquire the building? I have just reviewed my initial two deeds and the property is described as a timeshare condominium . I was a partner in a real estate development company that developed condominiums along the South Carolina coast and we never owned the property land and building) once it was deeded to the individual owners and a homeowner's association was set up. I also own a condominium in Longboat Key Florida, and I own part of the real estate and building that it is located in. The developer doesn't own any interest in the property. So, I think Mr. Zimmerman probably needs to give us his opinion as to what we really do own. And who he thinks owns the land and building.I``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````

Gail J.
Dec 16, 2018


Its been a while since I've posted here.

A cursory visit to the site shows that Highgate owns the Park Central Hotel, with whom the MC shares the building. I don't know who owns what % of the building, but there is a qualified attorney on the case. In my opinion, you are very forward to be demanding that an attorney you have not retained do things for you and explain the progress of a court procedure to which you are not a party.

I am glad that some owners are retaining him and grateful for any information that JMZ voluntarily posts. But you're not helping the cause.

I'm not looking for a fight and don't like name-calling either. However, your constant barrage of insults to Eichner, the MC staff, and the former Attorney General all set the tone for this site. And since you are careful to disclaim any particular expertise in any area of real estate law or finance, why have you taken it upon yourself to respond to everyone who wanders in? Have you noticed how quickly most new posters disappear? Do you think that's because you've "answered" their question?

I enjoy staying at the MC. I would love for the Board and reservation systems to be owner responsive and transparent. Perhaps you've heard it said that "the perfect is the enemy of the good." Do you want to be part of a good solution or hold out for some unattainable "perfect" solution? For someone in favor of a united front, it seems like you are dividing owners efforts by claiming the "Coalition" is an equal alternative to retaining JMZ. Spare us the constant promotion and stop adding endless pages to this thread.

If you truly want this situation resolved, take a break. If you want to write the FTC, fine. However, the FTC is not an appeals court. Let the attorney do his job, let new owner-visitors understand the situation by reading the thread or being eventually contacted by the attorney rather than relying on your opinion (to which you are entitled), but might not be the best advice for their situation.

Nathan Z.
Dec 16, 2018

nathanz2 wrote:

Its been a while since I've posted here.

A cursory visit to the site shows that Highgate owns the Park Central Hotel, with whom the MC shares the building. I don't know who owns what % of the building, but there is a qualified attorney on the case. In my opinion, you are very forward to be demanding that an attorney you have not retained do things for you and explain the progress of a court procedure to which you are not a party.

I am glad that some owners are retaining him and grateful for any information that JMZ voluntarily posts. But you're not helping the cause.

I'm not looking for a fight and don't like name-calling either. However, your constant barrage of insults to Eichner, the MC staff, and the former Attorney General all set the tone for this site. And since you are careful to disclaim any particular expertise in any area of real estate law or finance, why have you taken it upon yourself to respond to everyone who wanders in? Have you noticed how quickly most new posters disappear? Do you think that's because you've "answered" their question?

I enjoy staying at the MC. I would love for the Board and reservation systems to be owner responsive and transparent. Perhaps you've heard it said that "the perfect is the enemy of the good." Do you want to be part of a good solution or hold out for some unattainable "perfect" solution? For someone in favor of a united front, it seems like you are dividing owners efforts by claiming the "Coalition" is an equal alternative to retaining JMZ. Spare us the constant promotion and stop adding endless pages to this thread.

If you truly want this situation resolved, take a break. If you want to write the FTC, fine. However, the FTC is not an appeals court. Let the attorney do his job, let new owner-visitors understand the situation by reading the thread or being eventually contacted by the attorney rather than relying on your opinion (to which you are entitled), but might not be the best advice for their situation.

Nathan, thanks for the great comment. I started to skipping Cris' messages a while ago.

Fibo N.
Dec 17, 2018

Fibo N. wrote: Nathan, thanks for the great comment. I started to skipping Chris' messages a while ago.

Me too!

Sharon L.

Last edited by sharon177 on Dec 17, 2018 12:17 AM

Dec 17, 2018

Thanks for the feedback, Fibon and Sharon. Content aside, my real concern is that Chris’ posts are SO long and repetitive that they bury everything else.

Nathan Z.
Dec 17, 2018

nathanz2 wrote:
Thanks for the feedback, Fibon and Sharon. Content aside, my real concern is that Chris’ posts are SO long and repetitive that they bury everything else.

I tried to "suggest" that to C.V. quite a few pages ago but to no avail. :(

Sharon L.
Dec 17, 2018

Too many words Chris.

William M.
Dec 17, 2018

Becky F. I’m well aware of the list we are working towards. We wouldn’t have a lawyer fighting for this list if Margo and I ( another owner) didn’t find him and bring him into this case and spend hours of our time prepping and gathering information for him. I also attended the summer meeting with him in person to ask for the list which of course we knew would be denied - but we got it on record. The list I was referring to was the one the finance group is referencing as they make their 100.00 bs offers.

Sue O.
Dec 17, 2018

Nathan Z.,

I agree with you.

I think it is especially galling to see someone form an alternative to the effort that JMZ is trying to mount (i.e. the "coalition"), and then seek guidance and advice from JMZ as part of that effort.

It should be noted that, as I have said in previous posts, I have signed on to JMZ's lawsuit effort so I have a dog in this hunt, but even if I didn't I would still agree with you.

Craig R

Craig R.
Dec 18, 2018

Good morning Chris! Just so you understand, this hasn’t all been about dumping on you. It’s about asking you to be a better community member. Please stop venting so much. It might make you feel better, but other people are tired of it. Condense your postings. Reply to the topic not to individual posts. That way you don’t reprint what someone else has already posted. And remember there are many other people reading if not posting. Too many opinion pieces or posts of great length reduce the usefulness of this thread. Happy Holidays and Goodwill to all men (and women)

Nathan Z.

Last edited by nathanz2 on Dec 18, 2018 05:17 AM

Dec 18, 2018

nathan and others in agreement with you concerning my comments,

it appears that you see me as a foe. but you fail to note that we TMC owners have a common goal of which i have always been a part. i plan to continue to offer my suggestions and comments, in my writing style, to better our ability to reach our goal. i will assist you by repeating myself: NONE of my comments were critical of any other efforts being made. perhaps you missed one of my suggestions: joining zimmerman's possible lawsuit in no way precludes joining the COALITION. join zimmerman AND be a part of the COALITION as well. look back on RW pages. i appreciate your taking the time to admonish me and my verbiage, but i noted that you used much space on RW to do so, and that, nathan (and others in agreement) is our common privilege, as is your right to (mistakenly) disregard my comments in this forum. also, should i praise eichner, and schneiderman for their altruistic and excellent work on TMC owners behalf? my take on that is to NOT say something about the end results of their deeds would be totally remiss of me............and that's not my style.

yours in cooperative, helpful and friendly acquaintanceship,


Chris V.

Last edited by chrisv126 on Dec 18, 2018 06:52 PM

Dec 18, 2018

Chris V, please continue to post your opinions and feelings concerning the Manhattan Club. While I may not have always agreed with everything you have stated I have always respected the fact that you are committed, determined and interested in this situation over the last several years.Anyone that does not care to read any particular post from either you, me or anyone can just bypass them. This forum(which is as a reminder made available by Redweek)is for all owners regardless of what different feelings and opinions are presented.

Kevin O.

Last edited by kevin631 on Dec 18, 2018 07:42 AM

Dec 18, 2018

thanks kevin,

please read my response to nathan and others in agreement with him.. my hope is that whichever suggestions/comments/actions prevail, that we will enjoy a "win-win" situation for ALL TMC OWNERS. i am not seeking notoriety or even a nobel prize, but simply to emerge rightfully victorious in our claims against TMC.

thanks again, chris

kevin631 wrote:
Chris V, please continue to post your opinions and feelings concerning the Manhattan Club. While I may not have always agreed with everything you have stated I have always respected the fact that you are committed, determined and interested in this situation over the last several years.Anyone that does not care to read any particular post from either you, me or anyone can just bypass them. This forum(which is as a reminder made available by Redweek)is for all owners regardless of what different feelings and opinions are presented.

Chris V.
Dec 19, 2018

Chris V. Don't be offended. Nathan's job is to tell people off on these pages. I offered a suggestion, which was taken by Irene (and was successful). At this point, incensed by my suggestion, Nathan went to the extent of wishing that Red Week would shut down the string. Previous to him getting hot under the collar at me, I didn't know he existed. Just ignore him.

Sunilda J. S.

Last edited by sunildajs on Dec 19, 2018 06:52 AM

Dec 19, 2018


i appreciate your consolation, but i'm quite resilient and don't become easily offended. i shrug off certain issues by considering the source, then continue as i see fit. sorry that you were affected by ill-directed remarks made here on keep submitting your well-meaning suggestions. in the end, most of us are working toward the same goal: JUSTICE FOR TMC's DEFRAUDING US. all contributors to this TMC forum need to comprehend and accept that fact, whether or not they agree with suggestions made with good intentions. keep in touch.

in friendly and united cooperation, chris

sunildajs wrote:
Chris V. Don't be offended. Nathan's job is to tell people off on these pages. I offered a suggestion, which was taken by Irene (and was successful). At this point, incensed by my suggestion, Nathan went to the extent of wishing that Red Week would shut down the string. Previous to him getting hot under the collar at me, I didn't know he existed. Just ignore him.

Chris V.

Last edited by chrisv126 on Dec 19, 2018 11:51 AM

Dec 20, 2018

Sunilda, I believe you sold your unit back to the MC for $100 or so several years ago. At least that’s what you posted. So even though you’re no longer an owner, for you, Redweek is forever! I recall your bragging about your small claims court prowess. Well, unless you have been in touch with Irene directly, her last post said the judge granted a stay on foreclosure. She might win in the end, but that hasn’t happened yet. Since this site is unmoderated, anyone can say anything. So my “job” is to keep people accurate when they post hopes rather than facts.

Nathan Z.

Last edited by nathanz2 on Dec 20, 2018 05:00 AM

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