Buying, Renting, and Selling Timeshares

Anyone have experience with Preston Green or Americap International Corp

Dec 05, 2007

maid4 wrote:
FYI...Right after I posted the complaint on Redweek, I turned around and filed a dispute with my credit card. Yesterday (Dec.03/2007) I got my statement and quickly glanced and saw indeed they credited $800 back to my visa. I later went back and double check on who did the credit and it was from "Americap Intl". I looked at the number on the bill provided by Visa and compared to those numbers I have, they weren't the same numbers. I was curious and dialed the number from the statement (1-954-786-0521) at 11pm Pacific time, and still someone picked up the phone after several rings and that person sounded like Jerry Wood ( I just guess...), so I think that is the number still in operation and I hope that they are NOT in any kind of scam business again! Thanks for reading... Maid4

My question is why haven't the Wood brothers been arrested for fraud.

R P.
Jan 04, 2008

ken1193 wrote:
marty8084 notes: >> We can't stress enough how important using the escrow company is exactly for this reason... scammers don't get your money when it's being held in escrow. <<

While I agree with this logic in theory, in my own limited observations and experience, First American Title has been either very slow to respond to inquiries or, in other instances, entirely unresponsive at all.

Today I received an email from this Preston Green with a phn # to call I did (we have a rental posted on Redweek). He was very aggressive and said he had a client for me to rent our unit...I had to finally hang up on him to get rid of him as we are not interested in going through a brokerage to rent out our unit. Is he supposed to be using Redweek to snag customers? If not..well...he is! we didn't bite and hope others stay away from him too....smell a bad rat here!!

Candice and John M.
Jan 04, 2008

mccabin wrote:
ken1193 wrote:
marty8084 notes: >> We can't stress enough how important using the escrow company is exactly for this reason... scammers don't get your money when it's being held in escrow. <<

While I agree with this logic in theory, in my own limited observations and experience, First American Title has been either very slow to respond to inquiries or, in other instances, entirely unresponsive at all.

Today I received an email from this Preston Green with a phn # to call I did (we have a rental posted on Redweek). He was very aggressive and said he had a client for me to rent our unit...I had to finally hang up on him to get rid of him as we are not interested in going through a brokerage to rent out our unit. Is he supposed to be using Redweek to snag customers? If not..well...he is! we didn't bite and hope others stay away from him too....smell a bad rat here!!

============== I was looking at the "Timeshares Wanted" section at Preston Green's name popped up a few times. So I guess he is spreading his wings.

Mike N.

Last edited by mike1536 on Jan 04, 2008 04:38 PM

Jan 04, 2008

Today I received an email from this Preston Green with a phn # to call I did (we have a rental posted on Redweek). He was very aggressive and said he had a client for me to rent our unit...I had to finally hang up on him to get rid of him as we are not interested in going through a brokerage to rent out our unit. Is he supposed to be using Redweek to snag customers? If not..well...he is! we didn't bite and hope others stay away from him too....smell a bad rat here!! =============================================== I was looking at the "Timeshares Wanted" section at Preston Green's name popped up a few times. So I guess he is spreading his wings. ================================================

Well, Preston Green is certainly spreading SOMETHING -- check the soles of your shoes to make sure you don't track any of it into the house.....

Having already personally witnessed (and subsequently reported on) Preston Green's "gig" before, it's pretty clear to me that he routinely trolls around the various timeshare sites (TUG, RedWeek, etc.) scouting ads. He then offers to "broker" a rental to (alleged) waiting customers who are supposedly looking for something in particular. Once he has a unit as "inventory", he evidently then seeks out a renter and just marks up the rental fee beyond the owners' stated requirements --- and pockets the difference. My interpretation and opinion is that it's just an opportunistic business --- not necessarily shaky or illegal in any way, just an opportunistic venture whose very existence is entirely unnecessary (except perhaps to his own bank account).

Personally, I just plain did not like the man's style one bit and I very quickly wanted nothing more to do with him (and I made that sentiment very clearly known to him). In short summary, I don't think he can do anything for any timeshare owner that the timeshare owner can't do on their own --- without any of his involvement or "mark up".


Last edited by ken1193 on Jan 04, 2008 07:05 PM

Jan 05, 2008

IF Preston Green IS using Redweek to become the middle man for rentals, I find that highly unethical. If he wants to start his own rental ad site, then that's up to him, but I don't like the way he allegedly uses Redweek's clients to snag his own customers. JMHO

R P.
Jan 05, 2008

jayjay wrote:
IF Preston Green IS using Redweek to become the middle man for rentals, I find that highly unethical. If he wants to start his own rental ad site, then that's up to him, but I don't like the way he allegedly uses Redweek's clients to snag his own customers. JMHO

As clearly stated above and previously, I have absolutely no use for Preston Green. However, if he is a paid member of this (or any other) site, then he can see the same postings anyone else sees --- ads, RedWishes, etc. I suppose that there *might* even be a rare occasions where Green succeeds in renting out a unit which the owner had no success in renting on his / her own, simply because Green may have more "outlets" and "contacts" than the owner who merely places a single paid ad on a single site. I have my doubts about this, frankly, but I must at least acknowledge it as a remote possibility. In such an instance, it would be a "win/win" for both the timeshare owner and for Mr. Green.


Last edited by ken1193 on Jan 05, 2008 11:20 AM

Jan 06, 2008

Yes, I know from experience that agents or "re-renters" do troll RedWeek and similar sites looking for weeks they need for clients. They, naturally, expect to get more for them than they pay us, but it beats having a reserved week go begging. We have to get the actual renter's name, of course, to put on the final Guest Confirmation. (Some are told they have a reservation months before they really do!) MD

Mary D.
Dec 01, 2008

I have been contacted by Preston Green of Vacation Homes Only has anyone done business with this man?

Barbara W.
Dec 01, 2008

barbaraw117 wrote:
I have been contacted by Preston Green of Vacation Homes Only has anyone done business with this man?

Go to search and enter 'Preston Green' for all the threads pertaining to him.

R P.
Dec 30, 2008

What happened with your experience with him? Is he legit? fraud?

Kara C.
Dec 31, 2008

I am waiting for payment on a rental transaction with him. I have not received a check so far. Don't know yet if he is legit.

Barbara W.
Dec 31, 2008

barbaraw117 wrote:
I am waiting for payment on a rental transaction with him. I have not received a check so far. Don't know yet if he is legit.

Did you pay an upfront fee? If so, then you'll never hear from him again. All they want is your upfront fee.

R P.
Dec 31, 2008

How long have you been waiting for payment? He contacted me as well. Wanting me to change dates for our scheduled week, sent rental agreement- very professional on the phone he seems. It just feels like I'm being had. Hymm?!?!?!?!

Kara C.
Dec 31, 2008

I have been waiting 2+ weeks for payment. I did not give him any money up front. Yes, he sounds very professional...I agree with your feelings...with a little luck...this should go well.

Barbara W.
Jan 09, 2009

Kara, Wondering how your doing with your Preston Green transaction? Please let me know. Thanks.

Barbara W.
Jan 12, 2009

I am waiting for a payment myself! I gave a ten day window. Anything turn up on your end?

Kara C.
Jan 13, 2009

Yes, I did receive a check as promised...waiting for it to clear the bank...should know by wks. end!

Barbara W.
Jan 13, 2009

I hope he is legit. It would be nice to positive experience! Let me know how it turns out, if you would. Thanks

Kara C.
Jan 13, 2009

Stay away from americap international they tried to rip me off for $800 last year. they are scammers

Patrick M.
Jan 14, 2009

Did you pay them or were they to pay you?

Kara C.

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