General Discussion

Royal HOliday is a scam

May 28, 2013

I don't want any of your assistance. I'm just warning everyone that if you ask for any money or personal information then run away. Just be careful that they gain your confidnece and then all of a sudden a " fee " has to be paid before they can complete the paperwork. that's usually how these scams go. They also may try to get your personal information and steal your identity.

Don P.

Last edited by donp196 on May 28, 2013 12:20 PM

May 28, 2013


I spoke to someone (alejandro chavez) from you "Quality" dept. and that was no help. He tried to offer my another one of your "deal", that I'm sure would have given me more of a headache than the first time. I DON'T believe a word from your company because all you guys do is LIE to get new members, don't deliver on your promises and then threaten us with this fraudulent contract. As I've told alejandro, the only way he can help me is cancelling this scammed contract and getting my money back.

None N.
May 28, 2013

Hi Don,

I am also trying to get the word out there on this scam ran by the royal holiday. I am also trying to get people who's been scammed by these guy work together and get the government to investigate them. Please contact me if you're interested. See my earlier post for my email.


None N.
May 28, 2013

BRAVO....people keep spreading the word!!!!

Linda L.
May 28, 2013

That is exactly how I was scammed for the second time. Thanks for warning folks!

Mike C.
Jun 13, 2013

Please delete and remove my complaint against Royal Holiday Club

I wish to withdraw my complaint and ask that you remove any of my postings with information related to Royal Holiday Club. Royal Holiday Club and I have ended our relationship in a positive and fully satisfactory manner. Thank you.

Gino P.
Jun 14, 2013

Royal Holiday Club and I have ended our relationship in a positive and fully satisfactory manner. Please delete and remove my complaint and any of my postings with information related to Royal Holiday Club. Thank you.

With best regards

Gino P.
Jun 15, 2013

And will you please share how that was accomplished....what channels did you go through and who helped? Or are you NOT at liberty to disclose that pertinent info??.

Linda L.
Jun 15, 2013

Sounds like he wants to set you up for their scam. He's going to tell you that they successfully got him him out of his contract. Once you take the bait he will refer you to someone who will want an upfront fee. You'll notice that nobody took the bait two days ago so he posted it agian today. He can delete his own post by just going to edit and then delete them but he chooses to post it again. If you decide to get involved with them then you've been warned.

Don P.

Last edited by donp196 on Jun 15, 2013 04:36 PM

Jun 15, 2013

donp196 wrote:
Sounds like he wants to set you up for their scam... You'll notice that nobody took the bait two days ago so he posted it agian today. He can delete his own post by just going to edit.

It's not necessarily a scam. I know that scam outfits abound preying on timeshare buyers. But some of these Mexican timeshare companies, when they see that people who bought from them have posted their horror stories on forums like these, agree to rescind the purchase if the buyers agree to remove any postings they have made. These timeshare companies, as hard as it might be to believe, do worry about their reputation or at least saving face.

Besides, the poster in question did not mention any specific company that helped him out of his timeshare. He merely said that the said resort and he have amicably ended their relationship, likely with the stipulation that he have all negative postings removed

Lance C.

Last edited by lancec13 on Jun 15, 2013 10:45 PM

Jun 16, 2013

I knew I'd only get a response from someone other than the HAPPY xRH member. It's their MO to drop bits of encouragement and never lets keep the fight going...I am!

Linda L.
Jun 16, 2013

My complaint is having been lied to since 2001. Did you ever rent our unused points any year we didn't travel. Did you get us 50% off airline tickets from the Miami Travel agent you use? Where is our interest accrued money??? Is it being enjoyed by Muostafa Bouzoid. All I can say is a class's action suit is inevitable. The brillant 20/20 showcase of your company opened many eyes as to Royal Holiday's deception, lies and bait and switch tactics. Loved the fleabag motel we stayed at in Vegas...thank you. As for my contract...think it was lost in hurricane Sandy.

Linda L.
Jun 17, 2013

My girlfriend and I stayed at the Sheraton in the Bahamas last week (2nd week of June 2013) and got approached by a woman on the beach named Kendra, to attend a free breakfast in the nearby Wyndham hotel while listening to a presentation on how to "vacation better". In addition a voucher for about $125 was to be given to us at the end of the presentation. That was a red flag to me right there but we went anyway. Our sales rep was Marjorie, a Jamaican woman who has relatives in Toronto and had lost her husband to brain aneurism. Fully 50% of her communications with us were adulations, compliments and overwrought niceties. She used leading questions such as "inflation will cause prices to go up, right! Not with Royal Vacations where we freeze prices for life, you pay with points instead " to which I objected, stating that powerful deflationary forces are at work against the central banks, her 8% inflation rate example is closer to 0%, even negative. You cannot extrapolate from the last few decades of inflation (ever since Nixon got rid of the gold standard) that the same will hold in future. After a tour of some rooms in the Wyndham we were brought to her manager. He tried to convince us to make a decision right there and then. There was no time allowed to dwell on their sales pitch overnight. This was another big red flag since in all my years of investing I have learned that there is no such thing as an opportunity that can't wait. I requested a more detailed explanation from the manager, some examples to work out with pen and paper. The examples that he gave me caused cognitive strain, I couldn't grasp what he was talking about and kept bringing him back to basics. We requested to be left alone and used my GF's phone to do one search on the internet - "royal vacations scam" is the one and only search I did on google because there was no internet and we enabled data roaming for 2-3 minutes just to make sure we know who we are dealing with. That search led us to all the warnings here we needed. The opacity of their product offering is one more reason we backed out. At the end we stated firmly that we won't decide straight away, we'd need 1 day to get back to them to which the manager offered some opaque option of committing to a membership, he'd then freeze our membership and thaw it the next day if we'd go along. He adduced some strange calculations of point transfers which confused me even more. I said NO to that and we left, collecting our voucher on the way out. Despite avoiding this trap I should warn you these guys are good, if you are a couple you may end up arguing and making an emotional decision.

Slav N.

Last edited by slavn on Jun 17, 2013 05:16 AM

Jun 17, 2013

Kudos to you for using your gut instinct by saying no, and yes they are very good at convincing people that the deal they are offering you is the best thing since sliced bread was invented.

R P.

Last edited by jayjay on Jun 17, 2013 08:48 AM

Jul 09, 2013

We have ended our relationship with the royal holiday, so i please delete and remove my complaints.

None N.
Jul 09, 2013

When folk get out of their contracts....why don't they share the procedure. Just wondering why they don't help us all out!!!,

iqrama wrote:
We have ended our relationship with the royal holiday, so i please delete and remove my complaints.

Linda L.
Jul 09, 2013

Igrama.... you shills just never stop.

Don P.

Last edited by donp196 on Jul 09, 2013 12:41 PM

Jul 09, 2013

Wow...hope your wrong..if your read his posts he sounds really sincere and name drops RH big shots and had a BEWARE ROYAL Facebook thing....anyway...whatever!

Linda L.
Jul 09, 2013

They send the shill in here to sing the praises of their scam and then another shill appears and confirms the first shill. Once you take the bait they isolate you and take your money. Then you end up coming in here to tell us how they ripped you off. Don't take the bait and you won't lose your hard earned money.

Don P.

Last edited by donp196 on Jul 09, 2013 03:45 PM

Jul 10, 2013

We already lost our hard earned $. Just trying to get some of it back...what a joke that is....

donp196 wrote:
They send the shill in here to sing the praises of their scam and then another shill appears and confirms the first shill. Once you take the bait they isolate you and take your money. Then you end up coming in here to tell us how they ripped you off. Don't take the bait and you won't lose your hard earned money.

Linda L.

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