Buying, Renting, and Selling Timeshares

Is there an honest Timeshare transfer upfront fees?

Oct 18, 2019

If maintenance fees are current without any mortgage is it possible to sell your timeshare or give it away and still use weeks that are already paid for and on the books with the timeshare company?

Michael D.
Oct 18, 2019

Call your home resort and ask them to take it back . I got rid of two timeshares in 2011 that way . Make sure you get a hold of the person that handles the titles . They may ask you to pay the next years maintenance fes to give them time to find a new owner but that's a small price to pay to get out of your contract .

Don P.
Nov 01, 2019

I was grieving and overmedicated when sold a timeshare and am now experiencing more serious health issues this year causing me many ER visits and a few procedures. I am still not out of the woods health-wise. We did not expect this when getting the timeshare but also I was not fully mentally capacitated at the time. My health is going down the tubes, but my husband is worried about his job and the fact that he has a security clearance so he needs to keep his credit clean. If it were me I would just say forget it and let it default but of course while asking about a deed back we were sent to collections for the maintenance and assessment fees. We were talked into a mortgage for it and honestly I didn't understand anything that was going on during the presentation. Is there any legal recourse for me? I see all these do not hire lawyers posts, but what are our options now? I do however remember the lies that were told to us at the time. Lies like we wouldn't have to pay any maintenance fees until we used the vacation package which we haven't used NOT ONCE in the year and a half we've had it. Not even the "free" gifts. The stress of this is making my health worse and I'm afraid of the mental, emotional, as well as physical damage it's doing to me when I'm already not well. Ugh. I'm at a loss and death sounds better than this timeshare right now anyway. Just sayin'.

Stephanie M.

Last edited by stephaniem832 on Nov 03, 2019 04:38 PM

Nov 01, 2019

Can you provide a few more details such as what and where you bought? How much did you originally pay? How much more do you owe on mortgage and maintenance fees?

Lance C.
Nov 02, 2019

No. A timeshare is the only thing I can think of that is virtually worthless once you pay tens of thousands of dollars for it and sign the contract. They sell for $1 on eBay. And once you sell it, I'm sure they will not let you use it. I think these timeshare transfer businesses are just another bunch of crooks preying on people who are known suckers because they bought a timeshare.

Robert R.
Nov 03, 2019


Are you asking me?

Stephanie M.
Nov 04, 2019

stephaniem832 wrote:

Are you asking me?

Yes. A few more details might help regarding what you bought, what you paid so far, and what you still owe.

Lance C.
Nov 04, 2019


We got a call that we won a vacation package and we just had to come pick it up. It was through Great Destinations and they really took my husband for a ride with their "all inclusive" wording (which is NOT true) and that we wouldn't have to pay the maintenance fees til we used it which is also incorrect. Not to mention all the weird things they did in that presentation that I now look back on and think, wow, there are some really cruel ppl in this world. It's all about the commission I'm sure.

So, the company that duped us was Great Destinations. That loan (because my husband mortgaged it 🙄) has been coming out of our acct so that's not in default, and to this date, about $2500.00 had been paid to them. He also put down $870 at the time. We still owe $7311.73 and I just called and they are willing to take $7,262.30 for a payoff amount.

We owe the place we actually own, I guess (which was never shown to us during the presentation, just pictures of castles in England and stuff like that, which you have to also pay to another co to trade in your weekly points to use it to go anywhere else other than the San Clemente Inn which is what we actually got, which we looked up recently and found you can get a room there for the same dang price without being roped into a dang timeshare, ugh!) $1200 I guess and that has to go to the collections dept since someone sent us there although I had in June done what I was told by VRI (management co of San Clemente Inn) which was to send an email to a certain dept letting them know my health is failing and we cannot use a vacation package or vacation at all right now. And was supposed to wait to hear back. In August I was in and out of ER's and had to have a procedure, and my husband had been calling to see where they were with that, so he had been in contact and following up just to be told "nothing yet". We were told to hold off on paying the fees until the deedback would be approved or denied.

So short story long, $7262.30 to satisfy the loan to Great Destinations + $1200 for the maintenance fees to San Clemente Inn (VRI, their management co) and do the deedback they offered or hire a lawyer due to the fraudulent statements that we were told, the fact that I was grieving and on a lot of medication at the time, and that I am physically and mentally not equipped to vacation at all. All my husband's vacay days go to taking me to Dr visits at this point in our lives.

Trying to deal with this myself has magnified my anxiety, stress, and panic attacks and depression which has caused all my physical ailments to also become worse. I just need time to grieve and heal and try to have a simple life and I feel like if it's between my health and sanity or losing money, that my health is more important than losing money at this point.

I appreciate you getting back to my comment very much.

Thank you.

Stephanie M.

Last edited by stephaniem832 on Nov 04, 2019 05:40 PM

Nov 04, 2019

stephaniem832 wrote: this date, about $2500.00 had been paid to them. He also put down $870 at the time. We still owe $7311.73 and I just called and they are willing to take $7,262.30 for a payoff amount.

...or hire a lawyer due to the fraudulent statements that we were told

Since it's just a vacation club and not deeded property, you can just stop paying anything further and the company will terminate your membership. You will probably face a number of collection calls and letters and a possible ding on your credit rating but those should eventually go away. You will also lose all the money you've put into this so far but putting more into something you are not using does not make financial sense.

I would not recommend hiring a lawyer because of fraudulent statements. You could have a case but the onus would be on you to prove that fraudulent statements were made. It would be your word against the sales person's.

Lance C.
Nov 05, 2019

Unfortunately I believe it is a deeded thing. We actually ended up with a room at the San Clemente Inn when all was said and done I found out. Didn't even give us a choice of what "Inn" we'd want.

Stephanie M.
Nov 06, 2019

I have successfully "transferred" six weeks, and we are down to the two that we actually want, both of which we keep for year-round amenities rights. One "Country Club" for golf, and one "Beach Club". I rent both weeks out, and come close to breaking even on them, normally.

I did it myself. Advertised and closed myself.

It's like I added $5000 a year to our income!

Sure, it took ten years, and no one should have to do that, but it is possible.

I am the most honest "Timeshare transfer company" I know.

- - - - - -

PS: Some people spew a lot of BS on the Internet, so you just have to wade through it, clean it off, and get done what you need to get done.

There are also some nice people on the Internet, but they get drowned out by the vocal ones.

People who claim to know everything annoy those of us who do.

(humor, which I have to explain because there is so little of it on Internet forums)



Last edited by nooneyouknow on Nov 06, 2019 07:13 AM

Nov 06, 2019

I found a realtor in Oklahoma that deals with timeshare sales with no up front fees but charge a $1500 commission.

Have not sold our timeshare yet but there is not obligation to complete the sale or commission unless it is sold. Busiest time for sales is in late winter/spring. Will update this message when actually or if sold.

michaeld1026 wrote:
If maintenance fees are current without any mortgage is it possible to sell your timeshare or give it away and still use weeks that are already paid for and on the books with the timeshare company?

Michael D.

Last edited by phyl21 on Nov 06, 2019 05:12 PM

Nov 07, 2019

nooneyouknow wrote:
I have successfully "transferred" six weeks, and we are down to the two that we actually want, both of which we keep for year-round amenities rights. One "Country Club" for golf, and one "Beach Club". I rent both weeks out, and come close to breaking even on them, normally.

I did it myself. Advertised and closed myself.

It's like I added $5000 a year to our income!

Sure, it took ten years, and no one should have to do that, but it is possible.

I am the most honest "Timeshare transfer company" I know.

Speaking of which, and TUG, they have been talking about "Square One" exit company out of St. Louis on TUG. We got our "Free Dinner" invitation from them in today's mail.

So, someone is selling mailing lists.

Dec 23, 2019

I need to get rid of this silly condo. I can't even afford to take my deposited vacations with Interval. I didn't pay my maintenance fees last year as I couldn't. Now I have this years fees due. If I ask them to take it back, as above and I want to be in their good books so they are receptive to my request to take it back should I offer to pay last years fees only? FYI it is Sheraton PGA resort at Port St. Lucie.

Denise V.
Dec 24, 2019

denisev41 wrote:
I need to get rid of this silly condo. I can't even afford to take my deposited vacations with Interval. I didn't pay my maintenance fees last year as I couldn't. Now I have this years fees due. If I ask them to take it back, as above and I want to be in their good books so they are receptive to my request to take it back should I offer to pay last years fees only? FYI it is Sheraton PGA resort at Port St. Lucie.

Tell them you are broke and can't pay it any more, but you will let them have it back.

The worst they can say is no.

I don't sense you are concerned about what might happen, or not happen, if they threaten you.

Dec 24, 2019

Oh I am concerned. I am worried about my credit rating only. Well both my ex-husbands and mine. We are both on the deed. We are in Canada and the condo in Florida. What will happen to our credit? I read both extremes on the forum. It’s either nothing to worry about to being tarred and feathered.

I called a number of months ago and it sounded like there was little desire on their part to incur any fees to go to court or incur legal fees but now that I have my first threatening letter I am not so sure

nooneyouknow wrote:
denisev41 wrote:
I need to get rid of this silly condo. I can't even afford to take my deposited vacations with Interval. I didn't pay my maintenance fees last year as I couldn't. Now I have this years fees due. If I ask them to take it back, as above and I want to be in their good books so they are receptive to my request to take it back should I offer to pay last years fees only? FYI it is Sheraton PGA resort at Port St. Lucie.

Tell them you are broke and can't pay it any more, but you will let them have it back.

The worst they can say is no.

I don't sense you are concerned about what might happen, or not happen, if they threaten you.

Denise V.
Dec 24, 2019

Don't be afraid to talk to them . You might be able to negotiate an exit that you both can agree to . Once you give back your deed then you will be able to recover your loss over time by not having to pay maintenance fees and assessments . Don't forget about the extra expenses that go along with having to use it every year . Now is the time to get rid of it before the economy tanks and everyone wants to get rid of theirs too .

Don P.
Dec 24, 2019

denisev41 wrote:
Oh I am concerned. I am worried about my credit rating only. Well both my ex-husbands and mine. We are both on the deed. We are in Canada and the condo in Florida. What will happen to our credit? I read both extremes on the forum. It’s either nothing to worry about to being tarred and feathered.

Well if you are in Canada and the unit is in Florida, then there is little the company can do to you but hound you with calls and letters. They can't affect your credit rating in Canada.

But you can let them know that you live in Canada and they have no reach or jurisdiction where you live. Also, you can do as Don P suggested and negotiate an exit. You might want to tell them in no uncertain terms that you are not paying another dime in maintenance fees (except for maybe to get an exit) so it would be in their best interests to take the unit back instead of going through the costly rigors of foreclosing.

Lance C.
Dec 25, 2019

I agree with those. Let them know that you are broke, you are now divorced and have an unresponsive, uncooperative ex, and that you live in Canada.

Not long ago I looked at Orange Lake's foreclosures, hundreds of them, and none of them were for non-Americans. Then I looked at their financials, and saw that they assume a higher default rate for non-Americans.

So, like much of the direct selling business, it appears they use the "mud" on the wall technique, accepting whatever amount sticks, figuring that will be better than none.

I have also had Internet discussion with a Canadian banker, and there are reasons America timeshares don't pursue Canadian defaults.

Having said all that, come back and let us know if they do.


Last edited by nooneyouknow on Dec 25, 2019 04:29 AM

Dec 25, 2019

Thank you everyone. I appreciate your responses. It has been a big worry at Christmas. Why do fees come due at the worst time of the year. I am sure people would be more willing to pay fees in say June. Lol. Anyways all that being said I will be giving them a call in the next couple of days. I am hoping it all works out. I called them earlier this year and she seemed to be telling me to let it go and that they will send letters but just eventually they will just take it back. It is Sheraton after all, not a small potatoes outfit. They must have less problems with resales. But then I spoke with a friend a couple days ago who indicated I would suffer some big financial consequences if I did. Funny thing is they purchased a much pricier brand new build unit based on my passing their name on to Sheraton. I bet they will eventually let theirs go if nothing really happens to me. May find out my credit score prior to compare.

Denise V.

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