Timeshare Companies

Class Action Against Diamond Resorts?

Mar 29, 2020

Unhappy owners here for grand monarch 6197130578

Mauricio T.
May 03, 2020

Hi is this still active if so can you please tell me how to sign up

Debora W.
May 06, 2020

Debra There have been 127 Platinum members (just among our small group of 4,600 members) alleging they purchased additional points based on false claims that they would be relieved of maintenance fees, be able to sell points, relieve their heirs of the burden (an heir rarely must inherit a timeshare according to attorneys), or the newest "heat" as agents describe it, "unlock equity." When you read their reports in aggregate, it is impossible not to conclude the strategies are orchestrated, sophisticated and rehearsed, requiring several levels of cooperation from the highest management levels on down. As I have posted repeatedly, Diamond has a class action ban, but we have found regulators and lawmakers interested. To learn more join our member-sponsored Facebook launched in 2017 consisting of 4,600 mostly Diamond members. Through self-advocacy about 50% of complaints resolved. Several defaulted. Platinum member 126 from yesterday, a couple in their 80s. Two years ago she was scheduled for major surgery. Her brother died due to complications from surgery, so she was worried about her heirs. At a New York dinner they were sold $80,000 in points, financing the bulk. They had no prior loan. They were told at Platinum their account would be "self-sustaining" so no more maintenance fees. Their daughter called me overwhelmed. Worse, two years ago they paid an exit company in Florida $10,000. The exit company filed a complaint in Nevada. That was the wrong state as they purchased in New York. Nevada only has responded to 100s of complaints with a "You have a no proof" letter, even if there is proof. In New York, the AG is on the side of the consumer, in my opinion. This family is financially ruined. Many of the other stories are just as bad. Many are veterans and many of the veterans are disabled, six from Agent Orange. On the positive side, I heard from four families yesterday who resolved their dispute through self-advocacy, working directly with their timeshare companies. https://www.facebook.com/groups/DiamondResortsOwnersAdvocacy/

Irene P.
Sep 10, 2020

How do we become part of this suit..? We were lied too the whoe time. We are done paying.

Debra M.
Sep 14, 2020

I need to know how to get involved with a class action suit against Diamond Resorts. I tried to explain how I was ripped off by Eursala Jones Giles and nothing was ever done. I ended up having a tax lien against me for about 10 years because of the lies told to me. I will never refer anyone to Diamond Resorts.

Joyce V.
Sep 14, 2020

I am one of the few fortunate ones to extricate myself from this nasty, heartless, feckless, self-serving monster! The only other life experience that gave me similar satisfaction was getting off tobacco after 40 years - equally as toxic and noxious!

The lawyers who created that contract - owners, managers and the salesmen/women who coerce unsuspecting lambs to the slaughter will have a special place in hell. If there is anything to Carma, I hope these arseholes are all at the top of the list.

If the leagues of people who are looking to join a class-action lawsuit all got onto the same page and quit at the same time, it would break the back of this insidious company. If DRI ever managed to take everyone to court, I am sure that the legal system would would be mired down for years trying to deal with the case.

During this time of Covid crisis - I urge you to come together and bring DRI to its knees!!!

Hint - my lawyer explained - "if you are Canadian, just refuse to send in the annual extortion fees - DRI has neither the jurisdiction or ability to take you to court in Canada!"

He was right!

Rod M.
Sep 15, 2020

Joyce: We have received other complaints about Eursala Jones Giles. She was selling in VA, then Florida now back to VA. Four agents working in Hawaii with multiple complaints have been transferred to Virginia selling Hawaii points as equity in real estate. We gather multiple complaints against the same agents. There is a report summarizing 139 Platinum members, 28 complaints against the same agent, reportedly rehired August 1.

Diamond has a class action ban in their contract forcing arbitration. I would never consider arbitration. Arbitrators are paid $400 to $800 an hour. They receive perks, according to a criminal investigator who met a Diamond arbitrator in an airport returning from a trip (the arbitrator was returning from a Diamond trip).

This is our Diamond FB of over 5,000 members, most reporting allegations of unfair and deceptive practices. Please join for straight answers. https://www.facebook.com/groups/DiamondResortsOwnersAdvocacy/

There is a network of volunteers across the country and Canada answering questions about regulatory filings and media/legislative outreach. Diamond has been doing better listening and resolving disputes.

Irene P.
Sep 16, 2020

This is the EXACT scenario that happened to me last month. We're to call them back in a couple of weeks to refinance. They mentioned the 30/30 deal, the fixed rate maintenance fees paid over 10 years... We just put $10K on the Barclay's credit card, and I'm just sitting here in tears and losing sleep at what I've been reading. We still owe a large amount... is there a way to get out of this? I don't even want a refund, I just want this to end!

Sep 17, 2020

See my post above with the link to a Facebook page launched by an economics professor. There are over 5,000 DR members helping other members. Below is a recent post. The cost to do what is being recommended is more the $497. Sales agents don't do anything for $497. There have been complaints concerning transactions from direct sales over the phone from Seattle, including promised Covid financial relief that does not materialize. One agent duped a member, he forgot, called and attempted the same bogus strategy a second time. Her interest rate went up, not down. Fortunately, those sales are recorded.

"We currently keep receiving a call from a Diamond Resorts sales rep who is attempting to convert us over to “regular owners”. Right now we have a 7500 point package for the next 10 years. I haven’t been impressed with Diamond and am thinking of cutting the losses. However, according to the phone calls ... they now have a way to “convert” us over to regular lifetime owners for the same cost we are paying (over a 10 year period) and we only have to pay 497.00. Anyone, have any idea what this package is?"

Irene P.
Oct 14, 2020


Apollo Global Management - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › Apollo_Global_Management Apollo Global Management, Inc., is a global alternative investment manager firm. It was founded in 1990 by Leon Black

The Billionaire Who Stood by Jeffrey Epstein - The New York ...www.nytimes.com › business › leon-black-jeffrey-epstein 2 days ago — Leon Black, whose $9 billion fortune could buy the best counsel in the world, paid at least $50 million to Mr. Epstein for advice and services ..

Apollo Global Is Buying Diamond Resorts For $2.2 Billion ...fortune.com › 2016/06/29 › apollo-global-diamond-res... Jun 29, 2016 — Leon Black, chairman and chief executive officer of Apollo Global Management, speaks during the annual Milken Institute Global Conference


Kathryn R.

Last edited by kathrynr138 on Oct 15, 2020 08:17 AM

Oct 17, 2020

Diamond has a class action ban written into their contract. Those who experienced arbitration report that it is a Kangaroo court disaster.

Kathryn, Please consider joining the Diamond member-sponsored Facebook Group launched in 2017 now over 5,000 members. There is an organized effort to reach out to lawmakers and the media. I have heard from someone prominent in media who reported being duped in Las Vegas by Diamond agents. A project is being developed, but not specific to Diamond Resorts. https://www.facebook.com/groups/DiamondResortsOwnersAdvocacy/

Apollo was founded by Leon Black. Mr. Black was a Drexel Burnham Lambert banker. The DBL bankruptcy in 1990 resulted from a $650 million fine for securities fraud. It was then Mr. Black reformed as Apollo. Michael Milken was a famed DBL junk bond trader who was sentenced to 10 years in jail for securities fraud. He served 22 months. Diamond CEO Michael Flaskey promoted the Milken Institute during his interview with Maria Bartiromo a few years ago, and video productions have been made for Diamond by the Milken Institute. As a former DBL client, I was not amused when I learned the tiger changed his diet. Mr. Black likely could not go back into junk bonds, so replaced junk bonds with timeshare contracts that are even better (for him). Junk bonds have some value. Timeshare contracts you pay Diamond $1000 per contract to take back. Apollo is the third largest private equity fund in the world. We have three contacts you could write to at Apollo about your misgivings. One is their reputation management firm.

Facebook posts and Forum posts accomplish nothing but are important to give people an outlet. Hearing horrific stories daily from angry timeshare members and owners, over 2,000, including over 300 veterans, I understand this. We have interested lawmakers, but we need people to join our efforts. There are a lot of us now working to affect change. I never know when my family is to be destroyed, they have the money and power, so I have been recruiting volunteers since I witnessed a horrific and predatory timeshare presentation in Florida in 2015. I worked 30 years in sales. Never would I imagine such tactics. We did not buy, but the experience resulted in my being interviewed on national FOX. Members have been contacting me ever since, and thanks to Diamond, I inadvertently ended up a contributor to Jim Cramer of Mad Money, TheStreet. They published my article about Apollo on the Yahoo News Feed read by 15,000 the first day. That was the first I heard from Diamond. TheStreet stood by me.

Irene P.
Oct 29, 2020

We need guidance. We were lied too and feel we need to spend our money with an attorney to get out of it. Who has info on how to do this?

Beth M.
Oct 29, 2020

Please - any advice?

Beth M.
Oct 29, 2020

Beth, Rarely does anyone need an attorney. Do not pay anyone any money upfront to resolve a dispute. It's just not necessary, unless there is an unusual situation, or the member doesn't have the time to self-advocate. Some people want someone else to do the work for them. This is a Facebook of over 5,200 Diamond members, launched by an economic professor. Diamond has been pretty good resolving disputes. We have an extensive network of volunteers to answer questions, concerning regulatory filings, if Diamond dismisses your complaint because they say they are not responsible for what their sales agents say, by dismissing with "all that matters is what you signed in the contract." https://www.facebook.com/groups/DiamondResortsOwnersAdvocacy/

Irene P.
Nov 30, 2020

We had the same false promises sold to us of no more maintenance fees if we purchased more points and signed up for the Barclay Diamond credit card. This happened a couple years ago in South Lake Tahoe. She said some new company called Apollo would be acquiring Diamond and once they do the maintenance fees would be done with. She was really good at lying to us and it wasn't until I spoke with someone in the financial department when we got a new and more expensive maintenance fee bill did the financial department basically laugh about what the lady sold us on. I emailed Diamond after that with details and the sales reps name, but all we got was, ‘so sorry to hear that, we'll look into what that rep did.’ Total bullsh** and if anything they probably trained her on this tactic and gave her a promotion. It's disgusting what they get away with and how they prey upon people. Now in a pandemic when it's not safe to travel they are still charging maintenance fees, horrible. I would like to be a part of a class action. They shouldn't be able to get away with this.

Jenna W.
Nov 30, 2020

You can participate in this class action if you want. That's your prerogative. However, what do you think you will gain from this? Do you think it will be worth all your time and effort?

What proof do you have, that would be permissible and stand up in court, that the sales rep lied to you?

Lance C.
Jan 25, 2021

Hi Andrea, Diamond Resorts was bought by Apollo Investments. Stephen Klubeck was the shyster that fouled Diamond Resorts. He had a shell POBox in New Jersey. They contacted people and sent subcontractors around lying to you and selling you on the point system. We bought with Sunterra years ago @ phase 1 which was a not for points timeshare. They pretended they were a separate entity. They tell you they will take it off your hands but maintenance fees must be current. We have a deeded Timeshare so avoided their ( owner talks after being suckered a couple of times). You fell for their spiel once so you forever have the easy mark target on your back. I think if members got together and formed a co-op where you banked and co-owned by selling or transferring to other members for new situations they would not be able to cheat us. More heads understanding different scenarios.

Cyndy B.
Jan 25, 2021

There is also a clause that says they can change the terms and assess special assessments. Which they always do. They put the special assessments on top of your regular maintenance fees for a set time say 4 years, for repairs, redos etc. That is the point of maintenance fees in the first place. They continually rent the units to non members like an apartment building then when you want to book there is nothing available.

Cyndy B.
Feb 02, 2021

Here is our dispute story with Diamond. On November 12, 20 while on vacation at the Sunrise Ridge in Tennessee, we did an owners meeting. When ever we go to these meetings we ask about a buy out for our time share owner ship. We are always told there is no buy out and we can't get out of the owner ship. When we ask the question this time we were told we have a dinosaur. The sales rep name was Jordon Spurling. He told us that the way we could get out was to become members. Then went on to say that to become members we had to buy into the program. Details was $30,000.00 dollars over a 10 year period. The conversation changed to we want out not more time. He said this was the only way out. We told him we were just not going to pay the owners yearly fee. He than said if we don't pay they would put a lien against our social security. He said than you won't have any money what are you going to do than? We said that we wanted to leave and he said that he still had 15 minutes of our time. He said that he was going to get some paperwork. When he came back he had another salesman with him. This salesman's name is JR Renteria. He told us that if we became members this would end us being owners. This is the same story as the first salesman so we believed that this was true. He told us that they could give us a sampler member ship for 2 years at $3,995.00. He said that after that we would be done. We said that if we took this package we would just be members and not owners anymore. He answered that is right.

He drew up a contract with a down payment of $349.00. He went over what the contract entitled us to but never mentioned that this would cancel our ownership. We did not notice in the contract that the ownership would be canceled. We were believing the conversation that took place before signing this contract. They made sure that they didn't pass the information on to the next party in a timely manner.

After being home we got a phone call on 12/04/20 from a Rob Ross Ciaramitaro, who is from the corporate office, to verify our membership. I stated that this membership took away us being owners and he said no, that was not the case. I told him that we wanted the membership canceled than. He told us that we had to call Hospitality Management Dispute to get the membership cancelled.

We called Hospitality Management and spoke to a Jessa White on 12/08/20 who said that she would put it to the review department. A Tracey Fillmore called on 12/14/20 and asked why we wanted to cancel. She did not believe that her coworkers would lie about this. She said that they do not cancel for lack of proof. Tracey's manager Ashley Steward called on the same day and told us they refused to cancel the contract because we did not have a recording of the conversation.

When I went into Diamonds website under my account the membership wasn't going to start until 1/1/21. They had time to cancel it than since we contacted them about it on 12/08/20.

It would be nice to get some help on were to go from here?

Priscilla D.

Last edited by priscillad50 on Feb 16, 2021 09:09 AM

Mar 02, 2021

Priscilla Please join our Diamond Facebook and tag Larry Music. This is his Sunrise Ridge complaint and there are others. One is Covid Front Line Nurse A volunteer is gathering complaints against this sales center that is out of control. https://www.facebook.com/groups/DiamondResortsOwnersAdvocacy/ Brian explained Dex Dollars that are part of Destination Exchange. He said in October each year, if we turn in 50% of our points into the DEX Program, and then in December call the finance department we can have them use the points in our DEX accounts as DEX dollars to pay for maintenance fees. He didn’t say for how much but used 50% as an example to turn in 50% or our points or 7,500 to go towards our maintenance fees. Our estimated maintenance fees and Club fees are $3,099. This would be a way to vacation for less money.

Brian swindled us. He said that if we said anything to the closing agent about using points for gain or to pay maintenance fees or make money, then they would push us out the door and cancel everything. He said they would think we were buying points just to make money and have an equitable gain. Equitable gain was his exact words. Brian wouldn’t let us record the sales session. He also would not give us anything he wrote down and made us write down notes. We wrote: “move points 50% in Oct. DEC. get DEX Dollars to cover Maint.”

Irene P.

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