Club Velas Vallarta

Dont let them cheat/deceive you

Mar 04, 2009

I was wondering how long it took for you to receive your refund as my husband (who is a lawyer) and I wrote a letter 3 days after the presentation to cancel. We sent it to all appropriate contacts in the company by certified mail, email, hand delivered ( We did not copy it to Profeco, though) and we have yet to receive any reimbusement. We are out $19,000.00 CAD right now and I want my money back!

Jane L.
Apr 06, 2009

We just got back from Velas where were advised during their six hour high pressured sales pitch to us that we had no period of reconsideration in this matter. I now find that per this site we should of had five days to reconsider this matter. They also made promises about selling our other resort for $20,000 and paying us $8,000 annually for the use of our time share weeks for the next 25 years. I now suspect that I have joined this group in being defrauded by Velas. I wondered if anyone had requested that the credit card company was used to stop payment for the purchase, due to fraudlent efforts of this company. Also would like to know what others know about the other companies that they requested we resell and rent our units through Dreams RSI. They also promised HSI would give us 50 Vip weeks over the next 25 years. I have no clue as to the reputation of these companies nor have I been able to gain much information on the internet. Please send any suggests or comments. thanks

Kevin S.

Last edited by kevins359 on Apr 06, 2009 01:03 PM

Apr 06, 2009

Sorry to hear about your trouble, Kevin. They are high-pressured sales people, desperate to sell....I tried to warn people "buying or considering" at our resort in Mexico last October. Geez, the troops came out of the building to reem me. Unreal!

Fran K.
Apr 06, 2009

Update to the below message: About two weeks after I posted my earlier message, we received a full refund to our credit card. I'll tell you that we breathed a huge sigh of relief! Now, as I said earlier we sent numerous letters in the said amount of time to cancel. We still had to pay $1000.00 US in interest but we are glad we didn't get stuck in the same situation as many others have. Jane

jane1163 wrote:
I was wondering how long it took for you to receive your refund as my husband (who is a lawyer) and I wrote a letter 3 days after the presentation to cancel. We sent it to all appropriate contacts in the company by certified mail, email, hand delivered ( We did not copy it to Profeco, though) and we have yet to receive any reimbusement. We are out $19,000.00 CAD right now and I want my money back!

Jane L.
Apr 16, 2009

Just like you.. We went to Vallarta last year and we went through a timeshare sales presentation and we didn´t want to buy one in Velas because we own in Torres Mazatlan but the Closer told me that they would buy our Timeshare and that we just needed to pay the difference so we got scammed, we had the charge in our credit card every month and they didn´t want to cancel our contract, so we got help by a lawyer in mexico and now we don´t have the charge anymore... they can really help you.... they are very nice people. You can contact them at Best regards! John Scheneider.

John S.
May 01, 2009


Fran B.

Last edited by franb40 on May 25, 2009 10:19 AM

May 18, 2009


Mai B.

Last edited by maib on Dec 29, 2009 01:14 PM

May 19, 2009


Fran B.

Last edited by franb40 on May 25, 2009 10:20 AM

May 22, 2009

You mention the law firm Gonzales Gonzales, what did they charge for their services and how did you learn of them and that they were a reputable legal firm.

Kevin S.
May 23, 2009

Amber, I appreciate your response but can you give me some ballpark figure as to what this law firm charges to deal with this fraud that is perpetrated on every person who falls into this mexican scam. Kevin

Kevin S.
May 23, 2009

<<<<<<<<I guess it's all about your perspective. We bought our two bedroom week about five years ago on the secondary market for about $4k from someone who was dumb enough to pay $24k. Yes the annual fees are high but where you going to go for less? We don't do all inclusive because you don't have to. (Just say no) Instead we go out and enjoy the night life and various restaurants we have frequented over the years. We use our week every December and have great time because we don't allow them to make us patsies. We know how to say no. Johnnie Noe and his vipers at Velas can only take advantage of people who allow it. If you open your wallet in Mexico someone will take advantage of the opportunity you present to them.

As to the $4k we put into this, we have probably gotten it back and then some. How? By playing their game. Every year we "let ourselves get talked into going" to a couple of timeshare presentations and receive between $350 & $400 cash (x2) prior to listening to the pitch. When their 90 minutes is up we tell them it's over and head to the door. We keep our wallets closed and just say nooooo. We use their money (or is it your money) to go fishing, jungle excursions or sailing.

Well be there again this December having a great time. >>>>>>>>>>

Nine months ago I wrote the above comments on the this blog. We did go again in December and Velas handled our sons wedding out on the beach and they did a great job and at a fraction on the costs here in the States. We also went on one time share presentation which gave us transportion, breakfast, $500 cash and two bottles of tequila. I'm amazed that after all this time people on this blog stay in victim mode instead of getting on the right side of this trade.

Velas called last week because we hadn't paid the dues so we asked for a discount and got it. So were already booked and ready to do it again this December. I'll be thinking about you all as I lay in the sun sipping a Pacifico and thinking how bad you all think this place is. Nothing has changed, it's all in your perspective. You can live in victim mode or work the system to your advantage.

W K.

Last edited by wk7 on May 23, 2009 03:26 PM

Sep 09, 2009

we talked to a velas rep about canceling our contract in 2007. he said, just do not pay the fees and after 2 years of non payment your contract will be canceled by velas. vv is happy as they can resell our membership and we are happy as we had been using our velas weeks via rci in vegas. as vegas has become a bargain with hotel rates as low as $17 a night we thought why pay some $620 for a week. last april we stayed at the golden gate at $20 a night including weekends. as for selling our vv contract, well just too many out there for sale. by the way if you were to buy at vv in 2009 a studio is $18k if you were to find a buyer, your transfer fees are $200.

Bob B.
Oct 22, 2009


Valerie A.

Last edited by valeriea6 on Dec 02, 2009 10:02 AM

Dec 14, 2009

Our complaints with Velas Vallarta are being resolved fully to our satisfaction. They are looking after everything. Thank-you.

Valerie A.
Dec 14, 2009




there will be no more problems and complaints! I PROMISE!

Darrell B.
Dec 15, 2009

Really....Does this mean you will stop your lady piranha's from calling owners in their rooms and pestering us as we walk through the lobby? I doubt it.

It would be great to see them and their table gone when we return next year.

The heat must have got to you eh? Got rid of Johnnie Noe and the gang I hear. Velas management really pissed these people off.

W K.

Last edited by wk7 on Dec 15, 2009 11:07 PM

Feb 04, 2010

It is absolutely Sickening that they still get away with these tactics? Why can't any-thing be done? I am really surprised no one has SNAPPED over this yet.

Don R.
Apr 14, 2010

Wow they should really give you a job!! your just as good as a bullshitter as them!! my husband and I also tried "working the system" we had timshare in orlando that we loved and never had a problem with! we bought under correct sales representation and have never had any complaints. So when we went to this one just to do the tours and say no which we have done in the past we were told another story. Oh but you can use this one as an investment! the sales men said!! he looked us dead in the eye and swore on his families life that we would make money! i assured him i could not afford it and we already had debt and we are trying to make a nice life for our daughter. he said worst case scenario you make back what you put in! you should be ashamed of yourself your just as sick as them!! You seem so pleased that you are conning them back! good I hope you enjoy your drinks there too because I would rather be the good person then the one who just joins in!! the good thing about god is that you will always have whats coming to you! I have talked to other families and heard waaay worse stories then ours. a DECENT human beings heart would go out to them and not parade around like some jerk off to the people who have experiance extreme hardship!

Jamie P.
May 28, 2010

bobb504 wrote:
we talked to a velas rep about canceling our contract in 2007. he said, just do not pay the fees and after 2 years of non payment your contract will be canceled by velas. vv is happy as they can resell our membership and we are happy as we had been using our velas weeks via rci in vegas. as vegas has become a bargain with hotel rates as low as $17 a night we thought why pay some $620 for a week. last april we stayed at the golden gate at $20 a night including weekends. as for selling our vv contract, well just too many out there for sale. by the way if you were to buy at vv in 2009 a studio is $18k if you were to find a buyer, your transfer fees are $200.

Does this mean that you no longer pay fees to VV and are still able to use your weeks with RCI? It's been a while since you posted this so how are you using your weeks now? Still the same?

Jonathan G.
Jul 14, 2010

Hi Folks, I also got scammed by the Velas Vallarta. I bought in October 2006. I told them I couldn't afford it but they did a believable job convincing me that all I had to do was RENT my weeks out, up to six per year. Sounded great. But the problem was they didn't rent! So I want back in March of 2009 with the intention of selling it back to them. But again I allowed them to talk me in to upgrading. They told me a single room didn't have much chance of renting but this one would. Well, they still haven't rented so I now just want my money back. Every dime. I wrote a letter to President Obama and copied/pasted it in email to all of my representatives, and to President Felipe Calderon. I've also created two blogs devoted to the Velas Scam, located here:

Feel free to read the letter to Obama and leave comments. Duke Phillips

Duke P.

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