Buying, Renting, and Selling Timeshares

Has anyone ever been scammed using redweek?

Mar 07, 2020

hje wrote:
Good info!! 👍 Have you used TUG to rent out any of your weeks? Redweek is getting a bit crowded. I've tried using Facebook Market place and have gotten some interest but not like on Redweek. Any other ideas where to post those weeks one ends up not using? Have you tried VRBO or Airbnb?

Within the past year, I rented out four separate weeks that we own by advertising on RedWeek, when health matters in the family prevented us from using our owned weeks. I am a long time TUG member and advertised those same weeks on TUG too, but frankly got very little response there (my posted rental pricing was identical on both sites).

TUG is, without question, the best site on the planet for obtaining timeshare information and knowledge, but (in my opinion and experience) TUG is not a very effective place to advertise rentals.

I cannot comment intelligently on the other options you mention, having never considered (or ever needed) to use them.


Last edited by ken1193 on Mar 09, 2020 04:50 PM

Mar 26, 2020

Hello, Would you be so kind as to tell us who you used as a real estate agent to buy/sell your timeshares. Any help and direction is much appreciated. Gerry S.

Gerald S.
Mar 27, 2020

geralds156 wrote:
Would you be so kind as to tell us who you used as a real estate agent to buy/sell your timeshares. Any help and direction is much appreciated.

I have no idea to whom your question is directed, nor any idea what company you refer to in your subject line, but my own recommendation is to not use any real estate agent at all in timeshare transactions. Many realtors charge 25% of the transaction amount, or a minimum of $1,500 (whichever is more), to do what timeshare buyers and sellers can easily accomplish entirely on their own, without any "middleman". Also, most owners know that they don't ever need any "middleman" involvement to sell (or to rent out) high quality weeks in places where demand consistently exceeds available supply.

I have bought and sold about 20 individual timeshare weeks (now own only 6 prime weeks, with no intentions of buying or selling any more). I have never purchased a timeshare using a real estate agent and I have never used a real estate agent to sell any of my weeks either. Instead, I have purchased only directly from advertising owners (or from owners I've met directly at the resorts where I own intervals or have rented a week) and I have sold (and / or rented) intervals only by advertising entirely on my own --- primarily right here on RedWeek.

In short, you don't need a real estate agent for timeshare transactions. Real estate agents seldom have access to the best inventory anyhow. Worse, many real estate brokers and agents are so absolutely clueless about important and relevant timeshare details that their involvement is often much more of a hindrance than a "help".

Just my own personal opinion, but based upon several decades of direct, first hand knowledge and experience in timeshare matters. YMMV.


Last edited by ken1193 on Apr 02, 2020 11:30 AM

Sep 29, 2020

I notice that no one has entered a comment since the pandemic shutdown started! I had a rental in Hawaii for October 2020 and of course, my resort isn't open yet so NO renting can take place. I lose the full service amount I paid RedWeek unless I can rebook with my resort. It's my first experience with RedWeek and it has not been pleasant. I received NOTHING for my $150 except for their constant reminder to lower my price since it hasn't rented! (Although the Resort is still CLOSED!) Tough lesson - live and learn. Who would have anticipated a pandemic? I have had no problem with airlines or resorts, just RedWeek. Live and learn!

Kent G.
Sep 29, 2020

Kent: You had a full-service posting that you paid $59.99 for. Since your resort is currently closed and this is a full-service posting, we are happy to add a credit of $59.99 to your account. Just send an email to and request the credit. Thanks!

RedWeek Support
Oct 11, 2020

Redweek should add the Oceanside option for listings to help clarify things.

Ellen P.
Oct 29, 2020

I wasn't scammed but last November I rented a unit at Marriott Maui Ocean Club for this Thanksgiving. Due to the pandemic I am not going but the owner refuses to give me any consideration. She is standing by the cancellation policy that did not contemplate a pandemic. I have told her that the current conditions are not what she was renting to me a year ago but she is silent. So I am bearing all of the consequences of the pandemic. I'm SOL but hopefully others will look to expand their cancellation policies to cover unforeseen items in the future.

Nov 19, 2020

Yes we have!! Last March we rented from a couple in England. It was the Marriott in Park City. On the day of arrival, everything shut down due to Covid. We had to turn around and come home. We asked them if they could at least give us back the night we stayed there because we had to rebook to get out of there, or give us half back, or even let us pay their maintenance fee and give us back the rest. NOTHING!! We lost $4250!!! Gone. The airlines gave us back money, the car rental gave us back, even EPIC ski pass gave us something. They were the most uncompassionate people I am so afraid to rent from REDWEEK again. I believe in KARMA!!!!

Kathryn P.
Nov 19, 2020

Kathryn: For future rentals, please consider using RedWeek Online Booking. Your money is paid directly to RedWeek and not distributed to the owner until two business days after you check in. While the current RedWeek rental agreement states that COVID is considered a foreseeable risk and not covered by the cancellation terms of the rental agreement, you can always reach out to the owner and negotiate your own terms for cancellation. Those terms, that both parties have agreed upon, will then be added as a note to the rental agreement.

We recommend the same process if renting directly from an owner -- agree in advance to the cancellation terms and then have those terms included in the rental agreement. This will save frustration and arguments later on if both parties have agreed on the cancellation terms in advance.

RedWeek Support

Last edited by phyl21 on Nov 19, 2020 08:10 AM

Jan 26, 2021

may The person who wrote about your experience with Redweek contact me.

Would like to speak with KC directly.


Last edited by phyl21 on Jan 26, 2021 03:21 PM

Jan 26, 2021

I was scammed very badly by a couple. We lost on a Marriott timeshare in Park City last March. It wasn’t redweek’s fault, but clearly the people who rent their timeshares through redweek. My only advice is to be extremely careful. Try to use credit card whenever possible for protection. Never send cash or check! Honestly, I don’t know how people live with themselves.


Kathryn P.

Last edited by kathrynp44 on Jan 26, 2021 12:53 PM

Jan 27, 2021

Question, i have someone willing to sell me a few days thru the redweek site but she is requesting payment thru paypal to the friends and family. It looks like it is an unprotected purchase and wanted to know if anyone else has come across this request.

Dawn S.
Jan 27, 2021

Dawn: The safest way to book a rental is with RedWeek Online Booking. If you are not using that option, then although we do not vouch for or recommend any person using our website, if you contact us ( with the posting number, we can let you know how long the poster has been a RedWeek member and if there are any complaints on the account.

RedWeek Support
Jan 28, 2021


In reply to your January 26 post, I am KC. To be very clear, I do not work for (nor in any other way represent) RedWeek. I am merely a longtime RedWeek member who participates in some open discussions within these RedWeek forums.

Contrary to your request, you will not "speak with me directly". These RedWeek forums are for open and transparent discussion for GROUP benefit. These forums are not intended to be a gateway to off site private communications. I participate in open forum discussions if I think I have some knowledge or experience (or opinion) to offer or to share on a particular topic, but I am not interested in any "off site" private communications with anonymous others I don't know from Adam's cat. That is clearly not the goal or purpose of these timeshare discussion forums on RedWeek.


Last edited by ken1193 on Jan 31, 2021 07:10 AM

Feb 21, 2021

I have a Wyndam Resorts time share where I have a book from them and also from RCI and can book wherever I want to go IF they have availability that suits me. I am 80 next month and I want to get rid of it. Can you help?

Sandra S.
Feb 21, 2021

Carol: If you would like to sell your timeshare with our full-service option, please go here: Full-Service Resale Option

If you need assistance by phone, please call 1-866-971-1737 between 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Pacific time, Monday through Friday.

RedWeek Support
Feb 21, 2021

sandras892 wrote:
I have a Wyndam Resorts....I have a book from them and also from RCI...and I want to get rid of it.

Get rid of what? The timeshare or the book? If it's the book, you can just simply throw it in the garbage or recycling bin. If you want to get rid of your Wyndham timeshare, well it's not as easy. Look for the pinned thread on these forums which talks about Wyndham's Ovation program that gives advice and direction on how to surrender your ownership back to Wyndham or the resort's Homeowners' Association.

Lance C.
Feb 24, 2021

I am the owner of 2 weeks at the Marriott Aruba Surf Club. I pay extra for the Redweek verification program. I am required to show ownership and verify that I have rentals for my weeks. After someone books my weeks with Redweek I am required by Redweek to change the name in renters name I pay an extra $99 for this service. But it protects the owner and renter. In fact. Redweek pays me a few days after renter checks in

Maureen M.
Feb 28, 2021

Beth I have rented at least 6 Time Shares through Redweek and never had an issue.

Doreen D.
Mar 01, 2021

I am thinking of using their service. Have you had success with them in renting out your weeks?

Jorge M.

Note: Please do not post ads in the timeshare forums. If you want to add a timeshare posting, go here.