Marriott's Kauai Beach Club

New Owners Need Advice

Jul 27, 2007

Hello We are in the final process of buying a Kauai Beach Club timeshare. This is our first timeshare. When I came across this site I became disturbed concerning the special assessments. We were not aware this happens - but now know. Can anyone tell us about the history of these assessments - ie cost for the past few years, any expected assessments in the future. We are closing in October 07 and do not want to be surprised by any new assessments. One owner mentioned vs $600.00 they had to pay $1800.00. Please advise if anyone can give more detailed information on the history of these assessments and what to expect in the future. Also, does anyone have a phone number where we can call to get more information from the individuals who make the assessments? Thanks so much.

Judith B.
Jul 27, 2007

Hi--We are also about to close on a unit. I looked into the issue at the time as, like you, I became concerned when I saw all of these postings. We learned that everyone is at the end of a 3-year assessment for general upgrading and installation of the murphy beds instead of the pull-out sofa beds...which will make the lock-outs more usable and is a nice feature. In the middle of that 3-year period, a sinkhole appeared in the parking lot of the hotel. From what we were told, the cost of the repairs was split in half between the hotel and the timeshare association. The association then divided their portion in the form of a special assessment in equal shares to all members. I'm sure that this cost, on top of the 3-year assessment they were already paying, angered a bunch of owners, and rightfully so. But from what we were also told, there's enough money now to keep maintaining the property and continue to enrich it slowly over time...and that further special assessments are unlikely...with the exception being acts of God type things like the sinkhole. I don't know about you, but this put our mind at ease and we are continuing forward.

If anyone knows differently from what I've described here, please let us know.

Paula P.

Last edited by paulap17 on Aug 02, 2007 08:32 AM

Aug 04, 2007

This property was our first timeshare and we bought in 1994. This has been the only assessment we've had since then. Before that, I believe this hotel was a Westin and sustained some hurricane damage in 1992/3. We were supposed to go and they called us and told us to stay home. I don't know if there were assessments, or even if it was a timeshare back then. I think you need to deal with the sinkhole as an "act of God" as has been mentioned. We've had nothing but enjoyable experiences here at a very reasonable cost.

Walter W.

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