Aug 20, 2007

Has anyone heard anything about the future of the small mall down the street? I believe they had a vote on future developement for the area several months ago? Is Marriott going to build a hotel at this location?

Greg G.
Aug 21, 2007

Apparantly it is still up in the air cought in a political battle. For now it is an eyesore.

Norman S.
Jan 25, 2008

According to the Marriott sales guy I talked to on Jan 22, 2008, the developer won his case and is now cleared to go forward to build an upscal mall, he called it a polynesian villiage, some others said a Publix will be there. I suspect more details will follow

John Z.
Apr 01, 2008

Looks like all the present tenants are being asked to leave. That's what I heard when I was there in early March. a four story hotel and shops are coming. Presently it still looks like a slum, the change cannot come fast enough.

Norman S.
Apr 08, 2008

The strip mall is scheduled to be razed this month.It may already be down.

Linda M.

Last edited by linda819 on Apr 08, 2008 07:09 AM

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