Timeshare Exchanges

Prepayment of Maintenance Fees

Sep 12, 2007

I understand now that Red Week Exchange insists on prepayment of resort maintenance fees. No other exchange organisation does this (not even DAE). However, the resorts where I own weeks (Broome Park Owners Club and Loch Rannoch Highland Club) refuse to accept prepayment of fees - Loch Rannoch actually recredited my credit card with the fee when I paid it at the end of July, only to charge it again a few days later (after the 1 August dateline). I have already accepted the points offer for my Broome Park week 32, next year, and deposited it into the system. Does this mean that the deposit is now cancelled, because the club will not accept payment before April of next year (indeed there is some doubt as to whether there will be any maintenance fees charged next year)?

David D.

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