Ask RedWeek

timeshare rental

Jul 19, 2011

Can you rent for less than a week and can we contact seller prior to making a payment?

Laura G.
Jul 20, 2011

laurag273 wrote:
Can you rent for less than a week and can we contact seller prior to making a payment?
Timeshares are owned in full week increments and owner maintenance fee bills reflect those full week ownerships. Accordingly, owners generally want to rent their weeks out for a full week. It can't hurt to ask the advertiser, but the answer to a "partial week" rental inquiry will likely be "no", more often than not.

You MIGHT be able to rent for only a part of a week IF the owner is not getting much interest in a full week rental, or if the rental date is very close and the owner is getting worried about not being able to rent the week out at all. As stated previously, it can't hurt to at least ASK the advertiser...


Note: Please do not post ads in the timeshare forums. If you want to add a timeshare posting, go here.