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how dose floating weeks work?

Apr 23, 2014

how do floating weeks work?

Todd S.
Apr 24, 2014

In timeshare lingo floating is the opposite of fixed.

If you own a fixed week, you get that particular week each year. If you own a floating week, you can book to use a week in the range that it floats. Some resorts have equal value weeks year-round, some have different value for different seasons depending on demand.

So if you buy a floating week, it might have a range of week numbers 20-40. So for that year, you can call the resort and book a week between weeks 20-40.

Lance C.
Apr 24, 2014

Also, if your floating week is at a popular resort/location/timeframe I would recommend reserving a week a year in advance to be sure to get what you want. Some floating weeks are also floating units which means you may not get the unit you desire each year.

R P.

Last edited by jayjay on Apr 26, 2014 01:33 PM

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