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Sales through Red Week

Oct 03, 2014

Is there any data to show if time shares actually sold and, if so, the sale price?

Joan S.
Oct 04, 2014

joans354 wrote:
Is there any data to show if time shares actually sold and, if so, the sale price?

Usually on RedWeek, if a unit is sold/rented, there will be a clear sign on the ad that it has been sold/rented.

As for knowing the sale/rental price, that is not indicated in these ads. What the owner was asking might be higher than what the unit actually sold/rented for.

One good place to look is E-bay ads and look at completed sales. That will tell you what the unit sold/rented for.

Lance C.
Oct 08, 2014

Hi Joan,

If you're interested in looking at history for a particular resort, you may want to give our "What's My Timeshare Worth" tool a try. We are still working on improving it, but for many resorts, there is some good data available there based on actual successful rentals and resales.

Thanks, Kylie

joans354 wrote:
Is there any data to show if time shares actually sold and, if so, the sale price?


Last edited by kyliec on Oct 08, 2014 01:08 PM

Oct 09, 2014

Kylie, i sincerely hope this chart was prepared after the 2007 economic crash when many timeshares can't even be given away .... I would hate to give sellers false hope.

R P.

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