Ask RedWeek

Booking protection

Feb 20, 2021

Hi - I see a few weeks for a place I am interested in that is not verified and see I can opt for booking protection? Should I ask for the person to verify it and I can pay the extra money to get it verified?

Michele M.
Feb 20, 2021

You can ask the owner if they will add RedWeek verification to their posting, which can take up to 10 business days from the time the owner submits their resort's confirmation to RedWeek. Verification runs $14.99 for rentals.

If you are not booking with RedWeek Online Booking, you can visit this page for steps on staying safe: Stay Safe

Although we do not vouch for or recommend any person using our website, if you send the posting number to we can let you know how long that person has been a RedWeek member and if we have any complaints on the account.

RedWeek Support

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