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Original Message:

Re: Trading silver season for platinum season (by Joel E.):

It's not easy. I've done it in the past once or twice. You have to be flexible with your dates, and will probably wind up visiting in January or April, which are less desirable than February and March.

In one case, I was able to trade a 2 bedroom oceanfront for a 2 bedroom oceanview. In another I only got a 1 bedroom oceanview. It's easy to trade a 2 BR for a studio in platinum season. And of course, it's easy to trade anything platinum for silver. A platinum studio can sometimes get you a silver 2 bedroom.

We own one silver week at OPT and two platinum weeks at OPT and Beachplace in Ft. Lauderdale. With the two platinum weeks we are able to reserve 13 months in advance. 13 month advance reservations is the biggest advantage of owning in platinum rather than in silver or gold, but even so it is not so easy to get the most desirable weeks in late February or March. Platinum weeks at Beachplace cost less than platinum weeks at OPT and can be exchanged to OPT under the Florida Club plan.