Sapphire Residences

Mexico Advocate Team or Group, Coco Sunset, Executive Properites, omniCorp

Apr 09, 2013

We we also scammed on November of 2011 and believed in good faith that it was a legitimate deal. Trading in our existing timeshares and consolidating was our goal in order to simplify our life and only have the fractional unit. And receive dollars in return. We paid to them $36,000 and have been corresponding with Omni Corp by email since then! Have filed a compaint with the Better Business Bureau and will file with the trade commission and Attorney General's Office in Illinois. Suggest and hope that others do the same! We are going to proceed now with a law suit.

D r E.
Apr 09, 2013

Good luck with your fight. I have reported them to the BBB and they did not get a response from Omnicorp. I also filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission and Illinois Attorney General. The bad thing is that they are in Mexico not Illinios. These conartist know what they are doing. We did have Visa get our $1150.00 planning fee back from them. I think the fight is over with us unless our attorney wants to pursue it. Final word.....KARMA!

Daniel T.
Apr 09, 2013

Hello DR and Daniel.

Like both of you, I filed with the BBB in Illinois. Omnicorp will not respond to the BBB's requests.

DR, If you make any progress please let us know. In the meantime, please go to Trip Advisor under the topic "Bahia Turquesa Residences" and report what has happened to you.

These scoundrels have changed the name of the resort hoping to dupe more people, but they have not changed their tactics. Trip Advisor can alert other people to this dreadful scam.

Susanne B.
Apr 10, 2013

I can't believe the number of people still being scammed! I lost even more money -a terrible blow to my retirement savings. If there is no way to get our money back, isn't there a way to stop them?

Patricia B.
Apr 10, 2013

I can't imagine getting anywhere. So far I haven't been able to find anything from our bank that would help. BBB has now accepted the case and asked for a reply from them. It's just a sad deal for more than we know I'm sure. How do they all sleep at night?

I hope we can all keep in touch with each other.

D r E.
Apr 11, 2013

Please go to Trip Advisor and type in both Coco Sunset and Bahia Turquesa Residences and advise people to stay away from this place. Many people rely on Trip Advisor for accurate information about potential vacation spots. Key words to use in your post are "Coco Sunset scam," Coco Sunset fraud," "Bahia Turquesa scam" and "Bahia Turquesa fraud."

This publicity campaign is working, and it is hurting further sales. We all have to keep this up so that when someone Googles either Coco Sunset or Bahia Turquesa Residences, they will see links to our reports of fraud. If all of us keep this up, it will continue to keep these crooks from hurting more people.

Susanne B.
Apr 11, 2013

I will make a post on Trip Advisor. I refuse to pay my HSI membership because they are involved with Cocosunset. They keep threatening me with late fees. We are not paying our maitenance fee anymore at Cocosunset. Our attorney said it could go against our credit score but with all the fraud they are involved with they probably would not report it as a bad debt. I am spreading their bad reputation every way possible. Good luck to you all!

Daniel T.
Apr 12, 2013

You are correct about Holiday Systems International. It is also a scam. Any of the "great deals" we were enticed with are nonexistent. A person could get a much better hotel price on Priceline. I also will not pay any more membership fees to HSI.

Susanne B.
Apr 30, 2013

I just found out from our attorney that all of us victims of Coco Sunset, Omnicorp and HSI are "screwed". The way that they have their contracts worded and the third parties involved we have no legal action against these crooks. I was denied by my bank getting our"planning fee" of $1150.00 back from Omnicorp. I now am contacting Visa directly. My attorney advised me to report Visa to our Attorney General. It may ruin our credit rating but Coco Sunset will never see another penny from us. I now have the mission to get the word out about all these crooks. Good luck to you all! Praying for Karma to hit Cindy Kidd and Scott Riggs.

Daniel T.
Apr 30, 2013

You do not have to pay the maintenance fees. There is no recourse for that and unfortunately like the rest of us, we are out of the initial cost as well. Never go to a 'Crimeshare' pitch.

Brian S.
Apr 30, 2013

My family was scammed by a liar named Matt from somewhere in California(so he said). After he rambled on trying to convince us he is a 'family man with kids' he then persuaded us on purchasing a 'fractional'(actually my Attorney says it's 'pure air'). Then the lies really poured on when he guaranteed us a rental return that would pay us back our investment and then some. Not to mention what our previous timeshare was worth a small fortune. What a BIG MISTAKE we made. My wife and I also were practically dragged to the 'presentation' and when we tried to politely decline a tall english lady said it was 'MANDATORY' and forced us in. Her name I found out is Zohey and she will say anything to get you in, BUT YOU DON"T NEED TO ATTEND! I.I. said its voluntarily your option. THESE PEOPLE ARE ALL CROOKS AND SHOULD ROT IN HELL, WHICH IS WHERE THEY WILL ALL END UP. *****AVOID THIS HOLE******

Brian S.

Last edited by phyl21 on Apr 30, 2013 09:58 PM

Apr 30, 2013

I just wrote NBC to see if they would be interested in exposing these crooks. I told them about all of us on Redweek trying to get some kind of satisfaction. I am going to do all I can possible do to get their name out to the general public. How did you find out about not paying the maitenance fees? My attorney said they could ruin our credit but he doubts that they would step forward due to all the fraud.

Daniel T.

Last edited by danielt130 on Apr 30, 2013 11:33 AM

Apr 30, 2013

Brian, You have aptly named Coco Sunset and Bahia Turquesa resorts. I am also working on getting publicity out about them. Again, keep posting on the Internet using keywords "Bahia Turquesa," "fraud," "Costa Rica," and "scam."

The crooks hired somebody to put together an extremly cheesy Webpage that will pop up with these key words that discusses how the "resort" is working to protect people from scams and fraud in Costa Rica. That is certainly a cruel joke.

However, our posts do come up, and I am sure that we are warning potential victims. That is our best course of action. Also, to to Trip Advisor, which I wrote about in earlier posts here.

Don't ever give up.

Susanne B.
Apr 30, 2013

All you have to do is be FIRM (YELL AT THEM AND CALL THEM CROOKS) and insist you want the same deal others are getting which is no maintenance fees unless we use the weeks. I got a slightly different one, one maintenance fee (I own 4 weeks) every other year unless I use them. They sent me an addendum to my so-called "contract". I could just drop them and in the future I may do that but for now they are mine and I may be able to recoup some of my losses ??????????????? What recourse do they have since they are the scammers?

Patricia B.
May 01, 2013

last night I was contacted by the Mexican Federal Fraud Unit and they are asking for any e mails and copies of our contracts with Coco Sunset Vacation Club and Omnicorp. He said to black out all credit card numbers and any other information that we don't want them to see. According to Joel Vargas he said they obtained over 150 victims of fraud by these people and they are out to shut them down. He said he could not guarantee any money to be returned to us but his goal is to close their doors for good. He said to go to or Phone number is: 011523347705122. I am not sure if this is legitimate or not but I will be sending him the infromation that I have. Their website has a mailing address also.

Daniel T.
May 01, 2013

danielt130 wrote:
last night I was contacted by the Mexican Federal Fraud Unit and they are asking for any e mails and copies of our contracts with Coco Sunset Vacation Club and Omnicorp. He said to black out all credit card numbers and any other information that we don't want them to see. According to Joel Vargas he said they obtained over 150 victims of fraud by these people and they are out to shut them down. He said he could not guarantee any money to be returned to us but his goal is to close their doors for good. He said to go to or Phone number is: 011523347705122. I am not sure if this is legitimate or not but I will be sending him the infromation that I have. Their website has a mailing address also.

Hi Daniel,

Are you sure these guys can help with a transaction that occurred in Costa Rica? It looks to me like they only cover Mexico. Also, it goes without saying, watch out for a request for fees upfront.



Tim M.
May 01, 2013

I did get another call from Joel Vargas today wanting to know if I received his forms he sent to me that needed to be signed and returned so they can build their case against Omnicorp. After speaking to him I called our Attorney General and they advised me to not sign any forms or send them any information that we have. They viewed the website and thought it was a fake website. all of his information and his forms are in the hands of our Attorney General. Wow....will it ever come to an end? I am ready to give up on this mess.

Daniel T.
May 03, 2013

Something does have to be done! I have noted earlier that the same happened to us. We filed a complaint with the Better Businees bureau and finally Omni Corp responded. They are still trying to sound legit. But we all know they are not. I know that there has to be many many more persons that are like us. Such a scam. They do need to be exposed! Maybe we need to all sign a letter to NBC or call them. Not sure how we do that.

D r E.
May 04, 2013

Thank You, I hope these scumbags go to jail or deported out of such a beautiful country. It hurts the reputation of those nice people who for the most part are just trying to make an HONEST living.

Brian S.
May 04, 2013

Anyone who has been scammed by Executive Properties (Laredo, TX), please file a complaint with the Texas Attorney General Office Hopefully this will result in a thorough investigation. I was disappointed with the results of complaint filed with the Central Texas BBB I've attempted to talk with a "real person" at EP several times without success. The most recent response I received from Erika Patterson was that they will not discuss matters over the phone, see following email ... Thank you for your input as per your preference of communication but there are no direct lines to our customer service office. Our industry prefers to communicate by email for your protection as everything that is written is documented in your file for future reference. Also, on a business point of view this is much more efficient since our clients work different hours in different time zones all around the world. Have a nice day! Erika Patterson, Executive Properties Customer Service

Don't give up the fight, MikeC650

Mike C.

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