General Discussion

Royal HOliday is a scam

May 04, 2014

billg419 wrote:
Interested in donating Royal Holiday points timeshare. Possible ?

Possible, but not likely.

Any outfit that accepts "donations" will charge a hefty fee ($3000-4000). And even at that, they will only do so if they feel they can quickly give it away or sell it.

Also watch out for some outfits that accept "donations" for only a "small" fee. It's likely that they will stop paying the maintenance fees. This is sometimes called the "Viking ship" operation and is a very delicate situation to deal with.

Lance C.
Jun 23, 2014

I have the same problem. Collectors calling on their behalf asking for maintance fees. We bought this back in 2008, and we haven't even used it. For the last 3 years, I haven't paid any maintance fees and don't plan on it either. Royal Holiday is a BIG SCAM as others have stated also. Any suggestions would be helpful.

David G.
Jul 05, 2014

Something similar happened to us with Sol Melia. Story of deception fabricated by a Melia staff. We stopped paying the membership, but we lost $7500. I think that you should dispute it with the credit reporting agencies. I am not a credit counselor, but circumstances like a scam must be easy to remove. I created a web site just to report our Melia scam experience, please visit Melia Scam for more details.

Pierce S.

Last edited by pierces on Jul 05, 2014 02:55 AM

Jul 23, 2014

Good morning,

We will be pleased to help you with your case. Please send us an email to with your member number.

Thank you,

Social Media Team

Royal H.
Jul 23, 2014

David, Good morning.

Please send us an email to with your member number and a description of your case, we will be glad to help you.

Thank you,

Royal Holiday Social Media Team

Royal H.
Jul 23, 2014

Class Action suit sounds like a good idea!!!

Linda L.
Jul 28, 2014

I would be very careful about these class action suits against timeshare companies.

For one thing, there are a lot of scam operations out there posing as legitimate lawyers. They contact timeshare owners claiming they're starting a class action suit and that, if you want in on the action, you have to pay an upfront fee.

The other thing is that even if it is a legitimate law firm going after these timeshare companies, and even if the plaintiffs are successful, there is very little compensation left for the owners after the lawyers get their grubby little mitts on their commission (eg., see the RCI class action suit).

Lance C.
Jul 29, 2014

So...we have a real pitbull of a lawyer who is gun Ho to start proceedings. Will keep you informed!!

Linda L.
Oct 24, 2014

Hello, well I want to post my experience cancelling my Timeshare with Royal Holiday.

When I first started with them, they promised more points, surprises, trips, exchanges to other resorts in different places, but all that was b.s. I receive dozens of calls on a weekly bases of fraudulent companies promising unbelievable amounts for my timeshare that I now blow off. Unfortunately , I was a victim and persuaded by some smooth talking scam artist.

Like 6 months ago I got contacted by Mr. Carrera, a lawyer in a mexican law firm, he told me he can cancel my timeshare and also get my money back. Anyways he sent me all his info via e-mail, I checked it and I wasn't sure in what to do. A mexican Law firm named Miller and Markez scammed me with a couple thousands in the past and I was very skeptical about the whole situation.

My wife was sick in the time, I needed my money back, and this Carrera guy only charged 599 USD which I paid.

I checked Carrera and Lawson's website and I noticed a couple of changes which got me a bit worried and shaken up. I was thinking it was "to good to be true" at that moment. That being said, they clarified all of my doubts and felt a bit more secure with the decision I was about to make in moving forward. My gut feeling was saying to trust and let faith decided. My god I was sweating bullets, anxious to find out if I was in for a surprise. They mentioned that my case was approved and that I should be expecting a compensation. The next couple of days I was reviewing my account constantly and NOTHING!!!! I couldn't believe it!!!!!!! I was thinking how foolish I could be of falling once!!!!! I called desperately and Mr. Carrera was nowhere to be found!!! His secretary told me that everything had turned out to be just fine and that in 24hrs funds should be reflected. I was so sure I had been fooled. Checked my account one last time.... and there it was......!!!!!!!! I was in for the surprise of my life!!!! Halleluiah!!!!!!!!!!! Praise the lord!!! I highly recommend the service. They are very patient and you'll be receiving nothing but complete professionalism. Best of luck anyone out there that reads this. God bless.... J.G.

John G.
Oct 24, 2014

Shill alert !!! This scammer is posting the same story in many threads in the forum trying to lure victims into his scam. NEVER pay anyone money upfront to get you out of your timeshare. All they want is your upfront money. These false claims have been made in here so many times looking for more victims. Don't be the next sucker to lose your money to these scammers.

Don P.

Last edited by donp196 on Oct 24, 2014 12:05 PM

Oct 24, 2014

You got that right....from the 1st sentence you can smell a scam!

Linda L.
Oct 25, 2014

johng1378 wrote:
Hello, well I want to post my experience cancelling my Timeshare with Royal Holiday.

When I first started with them, they promised more points, surprises, trips, exchanges to other resorts in different places, but all that was b.s. I receive dozens of calls on a weekly bases of fraudulent companies promising unbelievable amounts for my timeshare that I now blow off. Unfortunately , I was a victim and persuaded by some smooth talking scam artist.

Like 6 months ago I got contacted by Mr. Carrera, a lawyer in a mexican law firm, he told me he can cancel my timeshare and also get my money back. Anyways he sent me all his info via e-mail, I checked it and I wasn't sure in what to do. A mexican Law firm named Miller and Markez scammed me with a couple thousands in the past and I was very skeptical about the whole situation.

My wife was sick in the time, I needed my money back, and this Carrera guy only charged 599 USD which I paid.

I checked Carrera and Lawson's website and I noticed a couple of changes which got me a bit worried and shaken up. I was thinking it was "to good to be true" at that moment. That being said, they clarified all of my doubts and felt a bit more secure with the decision I was about to make in moving forward. My gut feeling was saying to trust and let faith decided. My god I was sweating bullets, anxious to find out if I was in for a surprise. They mentioned that my case was approved and that I should be expecting a compensation. The next couple of days I was reviewing my account constantly and NOTHING!!!! I couldn't believe it!!!!!!! I was thinking how foolish I could be of falling once!!!!! I called desperately and Mr. Carrera was nowhere to be found!!! His secretary told me that everything had turned out to be just fine and that in 24hrs funds should be reflected. I was so sure I had been fooled. Checked my account one last time.... and there it was......!!!!!!!! I was in for the surprise of my life!!!! Halleluiah!!!!!!!!!!! Praise the lord!!! I highly recommend the service. They are very patient and you'll be receiving nothing but complete professionalism. Best of luck anyone out there that reads this. God bless.... J.G.

scam/shill alert

R P.
Dec 23, 2014

Hi Pierces,

I'm hoping you could share with me what happened when you stopped paying the membership? My husband and I are considering doing the same thing with our Club Melia (Sol Melia) membership. I've read that since we are members and not owners that there will not be an actual foreclosure. Also, since Club Melia has never reported a payment to a credit agency, they can't now begin reporting the bad. In other words, they have to report the good with the bad. I should mention that we have paid our membership fee in full and now only own maintenance fees. Thanks!

Linze C.
Jan 01, 2015


Sari P.

Last edited by sarip2 on May 08, 2016 12:39 AM

Jan 04, 2015


Sari P.

Last edited by sarip2 on May 08, 2016 12:41 AM

Feb 24, 2015

Royal Holiday is a scam. I recently told them that l wanted out of the contract since signing on two years ago and they basically told me that the only way I can get out of it is if I die. In that case I would have to provide a death certificate. I need for someone to tell me how can I cancel this membership. Please help!

Mislead B.
Feb 24, 2015

I told a gentlemen by the name of Miguel that their contract is very vague. It never tells you that the only way you can cancel is by transferring your membership to someone else. Please let me know what i can do on my end to get out of this contract.

Mislead B.
Feb 25, 2015

We are sorry to know your disappointment regarding your membership. Please let us follow up on your case. Send us your member number to

Thank you!

Social Media Manager Royal Holiday

Royal H.
Feb 26, 2015

We are sorry to know your disappointment regarding your membership. Please let us follow up on your case. Send us your member number to

Thank you!

Social Media Manager Royal Holiday

Royal H.
Mar 20, 2015

My wife and I are professional mathematicians. We can certify here that Royal Holiday business is a scam. Here is why. They offer customers join the club because the promise that customers save on vacations. Similar like people buy monthly pass on public transportation to save on a single ride. Why will join Royal Holiday if they learn that they actually overpay for their vacations 37-53% vs. non-members. Anyone can check what I stated here. Take your out of pocket vacation cost you book with Royal Holiday. Add annual fee $430 plus annual cost of your contract for example $10,000 for 30 years = 10000/30 = $ 333.33 per year. I bet you will see that you overpay for the same vacation 37-53% compare with non-members who buy on Expedia, Hotels, and etc. My wife and I collected 14 bookings for 2014-2015 and all of them were 37-53% more expensive when you book with Royal Holiday. We have contacted Royal Holiday with our data that shows that they mislead members. Every time Royal Holiday rep promised to make our vacation cheaper but we never got any offers for 2 years. My question is why American government doesn't protect citizens from this international thieves?

gerardg18 wrote:
Please help me to understand. I bought into Royal Holiday in 2010 in Cancun. But I only purchased the 7yr plan (they call it introductory). I have never had a problem getting a place (my dates are normally flexible). but from what i am hearing a lot of people are getting "Royal"ly screwed over. some people are saying they have bought in and never can get a date. i have gone 4 times already and never had an issue. now i will say this. the room scam is true. they show you a great room during the presentation, even let you get a great room for a good deal your first few times. now when I try to get the presidential they tell me i need to activate a certificate and pay another 760.00. that is not going to happen. i will stay in the studio. heck all you do is sleep there anyway. but i know i will not be renewing anyway.

Klim G.

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