Timeshare Companies

Get the Resale Scammers on T.V.

Sep 11, 2007

anthonys106 wrote:
I was just checking to see if TimeshareMLS was a legit company. A telemarketer, Chet, called me to rent my timeshare in Orlando out. He said I could get $2,500 minimum and as much as $4500 during week of Christmas. He wanted $895 up front, which was a one-time registration fee for the life of my timeshare. I could rent it again and again anytime for no additional charge. He also guaranteed that it would be rented within 90 days. Is there a complaint with this company in the Better Business Bureau?

Anthony the term you used telemarketer should tell you all you need to understand to have your answer.

Give these people your $895.00 dollars and only thing you will have is a phone bill from calling them and that would be the life time promise.

I have fun with these people when they bother me by telling them things like I really don't care for money up front. What I will do is let you rent and take a percent out of my check. That should take care of the phone calls!

I have stated this before but I will again, This has to be the most asked question on these timeshare forums and I can't believe there are still owners out there that would even think of using any company that wants up front fee's.

You need to play with these clowns or slam phone down and that should stop calls!


Phil L.
Sep 12, 2007

anthonys106 wrote:
I was just checking to see if TimeshareMLS was a legit company. A telemarketer, Chet, called me to rent my timeshare in Orlando out. He said I could get $2,500 minimum and as much as $4500 during week of Christmas. He wanted $895 up front, which was a one-time registration fee for the life of my timeshare. I could rent it again and again anytime for no additional charge. He also guaranteed that it would be rented within 90 days. Is there a complaint with this company in the Better Business Bureau?

The BBB website is bbb.org, you can click on Business under the Check It Out box in the upper left hand corner and type in CHL Marketing, Inc. in the company box and Orlando in the city and then select any of the 4 reports that appear. All 4 contain the same information.

CHL Marketing, Inc. is the parent company for timesharemls.org. You'll notice on the reports returned by the BBB website that CHL Marketing and timesharemls.org share the same address, 7121 Grand National Drive, Ste 106 so this will show you they are the same company.

If you just search timesharemls.org on the BBB site you will not get any results so don't let that foul you.

Keep in mind that over all only a few consumers actually scammed by any company will file a report to the BBB. So when you see filed complaints for any company that operates in a highly questionable industry such as advance fee timeshare resales you are only getting a small sampling of how a particular business operates.

Beyond the BBB all you have to do is read this forum to get all the warnings and scam stories about advance fee resale companies. There is absolutely no incentive for these advance fee companies to sell or rent your timeshare once they have your money.

Gary M.
Sep 12, 2007

anthonys106 wrote:
I was just checking to see if TimeshareMLS was a legit company. A telemarketer, Chet, called me to rent my timeshare in Orlando out. He said I could get $2,500 minimum and as much as $4500 during week of Christmas. He wanted $895 up front, which was a one-time registration fee for the life of my timeshare. I could rent it again and again anytime for no additional charge. He also guaranteed that it would be rented within 90 days. Is there a complaint with this company in the Better Business Bureau?

If you read the "Advance Fee Timeshare Company Training Material" thread this will show you info taken right from the Timesharemls.org training manual. They know they don't have a good BBB report so they have a BBB Rebuttal to deal with this. Call Chet back and ask him about the CHL Marketing/Timesharemls.org BBB report and see how close he follows this rebuttal.......................

Better Business Bureau Rebuttal

We are currently disputing the BBB report through our legal department. They did mention that we are disputing the report on their recording, didn’t they? They didn’t? (Act Surprised). Well I’m really glad you called the BBB because we need to know that. I’ll have to immediately alert our legal department on that. Thanks for the heads up) Clients Name).

Believe me _________, we are not the only company that has had problems with the BBB’s unfair reporting practices. We used to be members. However, in 1997 when the Orlando BBB was issued a federal indictment for extortionary business practices, we withdrew our membership, they haven’t been too accommodating, to say the least.

You see the BBB membership charges the member merchant by the number of employees. We are a large company with many employees so we save thousands of dollars annually by not being a member. (And that money goes into the advertisements of your property) The BBB lose thousands of dollars annually. But I’m sure you can appreciate that everything has its. Price. So I would strongly urge you to take with a grain of salt, a report that essentially has no basis in fact.

In the few instances where we have had a minor complaint, we have addressed and resolved it immediately! And on the rare occasion when it does happen, it’s usually due to a seller who has an unrealistic idea of what their timeshare is worth. You see, as a “For Sale By Owner” Company, we can only suggest to the seller what they should be asking for their unit. We suggest prices that are less than what the resort is selling them for so the buyer can realize a savings. We cannot dictate to the seller what to ask for the unit and we cannot refuse to market their unit if they are a paying customer _______ there are enough obstacles you have to overcome in order to sell/rent your unit; so don’t let a “sour Grapes” BBB report become another one. Now which credit card are we using today?

Gary M.
Sep 12, 2007

I will point out a very interesting part of their BBB Rebuttal...........

"In the few instances where we have had a minor complaint, we have addressed and resolved it immediately! And on the rare occasion when it does happen, it’s usually due to a seller who has an unrealistic idea of what their timeshare is worth."

***A seller who has an unrealistic idea of what their timeshare is worth*** well why does the seller have an unrealistic idea of what their timeshare is worth??? That's simple....the sales reps for timesharemls.org and any other advance fee resale company convince the timeshare owner that they are going to make a profit from their unit and thus plant in the mind of the timeshare owner the "unrealistic idea of what their timeshare is worth"!!

One of the key selling points these companies have is to convince a timeshare owner they own at a hot property and they'll easily sell it for a profit above what they initially paid.

In Anthony's case Chet is trying to sell him on renting the unit out for $2500 or more. Many resale reps will now just try to sell a timeshare owner on this. Same thing as in the "selling the timeshare" sales pitch, get the owner to think they can make a lot of money year after year letting them rent out their property. Keep in mind, the traffic their website generates is very small, especially compared to what redweek gets or tug. You are much better off placing an ad here or tug or another site geared towards people who are actually looking for a timeshare in Orlando or any other location. Reedweek, tug and the others generate a great deal of targeted traffic. The resale companies generally just generate traffic from timeshare owners checking out the site before they buy the companies resales/rent ad package or by timeshare owners who keep checking their ad to see why they haven't gotten any offers on their property.

Gary M.

Note: Please do not post ads in the timeshare forums. If you want to add a timeshare posting, go here.